It’s been a few weeks so it’s time to see what kind of customs are up on eBay! Oh, yup, tons of Marvel Legends, just like I expected. NOT A BAD THING!
There is no better way to get me to buy an action figure again than to slap it on a “vintage” type card. I already have two Bishops, y’know, in case I ever want to use one for a custom, but now I need one carded.
The presentation doesn’t do the figure any favors but I love the build for this Darth Maul and the head with the longer horns is right up my alley. Sleek and sexy!
Hasbro’s current dip into New Mutants and X-Force has me wanting a Warpath like this, big and bulky but still slightly svelte. I still need a smaller original Thunderbird, probably more, but this too. Don’t make me choose.
Oooo, such a cool recipe for Azrael.
If you’re not happy with the official BaF Lizard head, Benty has you covered with this resculpt.
I LOVE Eternity customs. They just look so damn fun. Splash some cosmos here, a little stardust there, a scoop of moons and clouds. I could look at them all day. Makes me wish I hadn’t passed on those 12-inch Silver Surfers back in the day.
I’m not as familiar with this costume for Jean as I am, say, the green or red Phoenix or the classic Marvel Girl, but look at the paintwork on those reds and blues! And then the shading? Shhhhhiiiiii….
I actually think I featured this Pyro a while back, but it worth looking at again. Great recipe. I need more updated Brotherhood!
I have a soft spot for Inferno and it’s drastically underrepresented on my shelf. I’d love for a full line of superheroes in torn up costumes and all kinds of demons, but to start let’s go with Goblin Queen.
This customizer does a lot of re-imagining of Marvel characters. I especially like his Black Knight. But Machine Man caught my eye today, mostly because I can see him looking like this in the actual comics. Plus it’s pretty amazing.
I’m still high on Into the Spiderverse after seeing it and I think we should have gotten this Miles in the Target two-pack. Or somewhere. Anywhere.
I’m still not sure if Gwenom is an actual thing but I dig the look, concept, and especially this custom. Mmmm.
And finally, we’ve been hoping for a Dr. Doom in the Mezco line for a while now because the design just lends itself so well to the One:12 Collective style, and this custom absolutely proves it. The mixed media is perfect, the accessories are stellar, and the presentation is on point. This is one hell of an auction.