Ahoy, ya swabs.
I didn’t know I wanted a realistically-styled Popeye. I am (yam) a big fan of Popeye in his various interpretations, but when I think of Popeye, I always think in terms of his cartoony, comic strip-esque appearance, with all the odd proportions connected to those aesthetics. Essentially, I think in terms of Mezco’s previous run at the property, something I sadly never collected.
But then Mezco showed off this slightly more realistic take on the Spinach-guzzling sailor, and I was confused. It wasn’t what I thought I wanted. It looked odd. It looked abnormally normal. It was ugly as hell in that special big-chinned Popeye way.
I had to have it!
With so many other figures coming out this year that could have easily been my favorite, Popeye arrived just in time to pummel and pound his way to the top. With two heads, multiple hands, a peacoat, a duffel bag and all the various accessories that I won’t go into, it’s a stunning release that exemplifies everything one would want for this take on Popeye. Let’s put it this way; I like it so much I bought a second one as soon as I received the first one, and I don’t double up on One:12 Collective stuff, because they’re expensive. But I knew I’d want to have one permanently wearing his Peacoat. And this was after ordering the white sailor suit Mezco exclusive Popeye.
With his bunched up, pugnacious face and perfectly diminutive proportions, this is not only my favorite figure of the year, but it’s probably my favorite One:12 release. The only bittersweet note is that I have to have a Bluto for Popeye to fight now. And a Poopdeck Pappy. And Olive Oyl. And Wimpy. But I’d settle for a Bluto.
If you like Popeye, buy one. If you don’t care about Popeye, educate yourself on Popeye and buy one. If you hate Popeye because you’re allergic to spinach, buy one. If you get seasick, buy one. I can’t fathom anybody being disappointed with him in hand.