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McFarlane Toys: Fortnite Black Knight and Raptor Video Review and Quick Pics

Whether you love or hate Fortnite, and believe me, I’ve heard from both sides, you can’t deny that McFarlane Toys went above and beyond with their action figures based on the franchise. Like, way above and super beyond, both by their own standards and compared to a lot of other company’s offerings. And that’s saying a lot.

I’ve said it several times before, I know nothing about Fortnite. I have nothing against it, except when my son is in the other room yelling at his friends while playing it, but I’m just more of an open world sandbox type player. Doing missions in GTAV that degenerate into shooting matches with DisThunder and Prodigy, or us against other players. Or more recently, moseying around Red Dead Online hunting and dreading the server dropping. 

But that’s the beauty of action figures. You don’t need to know every little bit of background or play the games on which they are based. Sure, it helps to have an attachment, which is why I buy so much damn Star Wars and Marvel, but sometimes, just sometimes…

Good toys are good toys.

And that’s enough. Sure, some parts of fandom will tell you otherwise. Maybe I’m a little jaded by some of the comments on my Cuddle Team Leader and Skull Trooper reviews.

“If you don’t know Fortnite, why even buy them?”

“Ummm….that pickaxe doesn’t belong with that character, dumbass.”


“U dont evn Frtnite, u dont dezerve to tlk abut thm!”

But you know what? My point still stands. I don’t know every little bit of trivia with Star Wars and I don’t read any current Marvel comics, but I’ll buy what I damn well like because at the end of the day, I like toys. That’s it. Fantastic plastic, great paint, super movement and I’m down. And really, that describes these Fortnite figures perfectly. There are some minor tweaks that could be done in places, like the clearance on the hips even though they do a nice job of hiding the gap in their current state. Foot pins could be a little more forward to aid in rocker ankle action better. And I’m having a hard time coming up with anything else remotely negative to say.

These are fun, they are visually stunning on a shelf, and they are a steal at $25. What more could you ask for, besides the announcement of more characters past the ones we know about?  Series 2 and beyond are bought so fast, it’s crazy. Insane. Wacky. The term “Hand Candy” was coined specifically for these figures, even though it wasn’t known at the time, all those years ago. 

The rest of Series 1 is trickling into GameStops as I type, and while they are no longer available to to order on the site you can still do a store inventory check for both Black Knight and Raptor. They are available to pre-order on ThinkGeek though

Black Knight Package

Raptor Package

Black Knight Figure

Raptor Figure

Black Knight Accessories

Raptor Accessories

