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Bandai: S.H. Figuarts Captain Marvel Promotional Images and Pre-Order Info

Revealed today (Yesterday? Last night? Depends on where you live) at Tokyo Comic Con, Tamashii Nations has wasted no time getting pretty promo pics out for their upcoming S.H. Figuarts Captain Marvel!

Okay, that’s one down, only fifty other figures revealed at the show to get solicited. I feel like that sentence grammatically wrong but you know exactly what I’m talking about.

I feel like it’s too early to get hyped for Captain Marvel, but as soon as I saw the Instamashii shot yesterday I got the urge. The urge…to pre-order. The urge…to wait. The urge…to dread that wait. It just look too good with it’s face print and the matte blue with the candy  red and gold.

But is the alternate head a spoiler, or at least something the studio wants to keep under wraps? I believe the Legends figure suggested an alternate head but didn’t actually show it, and that wave’s solicitation is being pushed as far back as possible, as close to the movie release as can be had for those reasons. Either way, I really dig the helmet.

And not to fall into SHF Ant-Man or Black Panther territory (you know, minimal extras or accessories, even though Carol already has them beat with the helmet head) she also comes with power effects.

She’s go up for pre-order Dec 3 at the usual spots for the usual price, as she doesn’t seem to be a Soul Web exclusive. She’s scheduled to release in March.