The new animated Star Wars show premiered this past Sunday night. Episodes are available for streaming On-Demand on the DisneyNow app if you need to catch up, and you live in the United States. Disney is doing the same old song and dance and restricting access to the rest of the world’s population. Probably because they haven’t worked out their monetization model yet.
As it turns out, the Premiere was really enjoyable, especially watching with my daughter sitting right beside me. Hopefully the show finds its audience and it has a similar run to previous Animated Series in the Star Wars media conglomerate. Of course with any new Star Was media, the immediate question from the fan base becomes, “When can I buy something that looks like that?” As of right now, the only figures that Hasbro and Disney have announced are for the limited 5 P.O.A. 3.75″ action figure line – coming sometime in Spring 2019. Or so they say.
Much like the previous animated series though, Star Wars Rebels, collectors will certainly want to have key characters in the 6″ Black Series line. I know, I know, “I don’t want ANY figures of X before they make every single character in shot 348 of The Empire Strikes Back…on a Vintage card back…in classic 3.75″ scale…with Super Articulation.” Unfortunately for you, and fortunately for everyone else, mass media retail support just doesn’t work like that. Lucasfilm is going to want to see the work they are creating supported in the marketplace.
So, does anyone stand out from the Series Premiere that would be worthy of going toe to toe with Black Series Exogorth Escape Han? After spending approximately 43 minutes with these new characters, I would say absolutely, resoundingly, yes.
Like any good Fwoosh Top Five list, there should be a couple of runners up, right?
Aunt Z runs the bar that a good portion of action and dialogue takes place in during the Premiere. She is the same species as Portion Master Unkar Plutt in The Force Awakens. She is more concerned with what the current odds are on a race, fight, or really anything than she seems to be on the state of her libation station. Not an ally or adversary, she has potential to be a source of comedy and grief for Team Fireball in the upcoming episodes.
Tam Ryvora is a mechanic working for Jarek Yeager. Tam is not thrilled with the idea of Kaz joining the crew at Yeager’s and seems concerned with the lack of work and finances as it is, let alone providing for another mouth to feed. While she does make an impression in the Premiere, and I am sure her role will be expanded as the series goes on, she doesn’t make the Top Five as there just wasn’t the time or content given to her in order to push her higher on the list. Alright, on to the list…
5. Jarek Yeager and Bucket
4. Kazudo “Kaz” Xiono
3. Torra Doza
2. Neeku Vozo
1. Orka and Flix