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eBay Frenzy 10/07/18: Custom Marvel Legends Figures and Accessories

It’s that time of the week! You know, the one where I’m wandering the internet aimlessly, a web drifter. Born to walk alone. Then I think dang, I could be looking at customs. Then I remember I could also be posting them in an article on da’ Fwoosh. After I take a nap. And watch some YouTube. And find some food. IT’S SUNDAY, SCHEDULES DON’T MATTER!


In darkest day, I like to fight, shooty shooty shoot kill kill ooooo taco! G’night! Green Lantern Deadpool!

I’m not quite sure what these Spider-verse figures are. They seem to be bootlegs based on the cheaper Hasbro toys but they have a lot more articulation than I think those original figures have. I think. All I remember of them in the aisle is liking the girl in the black and white costume and wanting a figure of her that would fit with my Legends. Is this that? Do I have the power to alter eBay reality? ::starts thinking hard about an auction selling a million one dollar bills for $5.53. Free shipping, of course, no way am I paying that much freight charge::

Why didn’t I think of this? I love that Colossus figure but don’t care for colors and design. I know that sounds weird. I like the proportions and sculpt. Just not the look. Hrm. Either way, it looks better with the movie inspired look.

An auction for two Wakandan shields for Captain America that actually have an extending feature. It’s a damn tragedy we only got one, even more so in the case of S.H. Figuarts. I’m not sure the wording there is grammatically correct, but look at the pretties. The pretties!

IT’S NOT A……wait, that is Attuma.

Bishop, to me, will always be the future guy with the mullet, come back to reteach the world that yes, you can still maintain a sense of business when facing forward but allowing the party to continue as you look back. Ooo, is the mullet a metaphor for Bishop himself? Coming from a serious no-nonsense future ahead of him, joining the happy-go-lucky softball game every weekend X-Men of the past?

I’m freaking out, man.

Either way, I know some people prefer a bald Bishop. Here ya’ go.

If you don’t watch my Weeklys on YouTube you won’t get this, but ROBO DON’T KNOW Mondo. I know of him, but nothing about his time in comics or what team or teammates. But this caught my eye and I can’t help loving it.

I’ve always dug the look of how Archangel’s wings would kind of fold up and go away, allowing him to fit through doors and such, but we never got that accessory with a Legends figure. I need one.

Yeah, I know we already have the Back in Black Deadpool but I love me some matte paint. LOVE.

You say you want a thicker brow on your Thing? IBMMT has you covered.

It’s weird to not remember a lot of Madelyne Pryor appearances now when she was featured and even responsible for some events back in the day. Hmmm. Plus I’m drawn to a fantastic hairsculpt. She’ll always be Goblin Queen to me.

And speaking of fantastic hairsculpts, same seller obviously, but dammit if I don’t want my Rogue to look like this.