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Bandai: S.H. Figuarts Avengers: Infinity War Thanos Review

This is a spoiler free review. There will be no spoilers, even though everyone knows what happens. Bandai released their S.H. Figuarts Thanos figure from the hit movie Avengers: Infinity War last month and it is an amazing figure. Beautifully sculpted, excellent articulation and wonderful engineering. All this greatness, with one…..ONE….flaw.

If you haven’t seen Marvel’s Avengers: Infinity War movie go see it. Unless you hate superhero movies. Or maybe that should be your motivation, *snaps fingers*. The movie is a long drawn out epic that despite some issues is pretty well put together, considering the scale of the epic.

Bandai’s figure lives up to the hype of Thanos that the movie brought. It’s a large, well designed and nicely engineered action figure. The head sculpts are the parts that really stand out for me, from the plain face, to the smirk to the smile, they all pop and look great. Bandai’s been killing it with the digital face scans of late and Thanos is an excellent example of what they can do.

Thanos does come with the right hand snapping finger and not the left. As RoboKillah mentioned in one of his weekly’s, this is movie accurate. Thanos does indeed do the ungloved right handed snap. And if you’ve been following this figure’s release, you also know that collectors are getting mileage out of using this hand to “salt”.

The one big flaw in this figure is the left gloved hand. It’s got this strange action feature which allows you to extend the hand for a more extreme hand gesture. Which is cool, but to do this they sacrifice the ability to turn the ball hinge and you only get movement in one direction. I’d rather have the 360 movement than just the one direction and the extended hand isn’t all that critical.

There are number of hands for both the left and right, pretty cool to have the range. As mentioned there are the multiple heads. Pretty light in the grand scheme of things, but then Avengers: Infinity War Thanos was light on the accessories. To offset that, this is a monster piece of plastic.

Get this Thanos. It’s a really solid piece and looks fantastic. It’s a ton of fun to play with and really pops on the shelf.