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Hasbro: SDCC Exclusive Star Wars Black Series Han Solo with Mynock Promotional Images and Info

Wait, no I don’t. We’ve already seen reports that Bespin Han will turn up in a regular assortment so what we have here is exclusive gear, packaging, and the Mynock. Not bad at all.


The Han Solo set features the smuggler from The Empire Strikes Back, facing down the bat-like parasite that gnaws on the Millennium Falcon’s power cables when Han accidentally parks the ship inside the belly of a gigantic “exogorth” space slug.

Seen here with the breathing apparatus he sports to inspect the exterior of the Falcon and blast the pesky mynocks, this set will sell for $34.99.


In the box, Han is framed by the support struts for the Falcon’s exit ramp, and the closed container has the shape of the Corellian freighter’s exterior. It is framed by mist from the cave, although, as we know … this is no cave.