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Top Five Most-Wanted Niche-Level Marvel Team Boxsets

Raise your hands if you get tired of piecemealing together random teams. Not every team can be Avengers of X-men, and many of the smaller teams get a couple of members spread out over agonizing years. For instance, we have one member of Runaways, and who knows when we’ll be getting any others, if any. Sometimes we get the more popular member of a team (Black Bolt, Medusa) and are stuck wondering when the rest are coming.

In a perfect world, teams with a finite, manageable member list should all get knocked out in one go, as a box set. The box set is nature’s perfect vehicle for getting toys, after all.

Again, like many of my lists, (like all of my lists) this one is based off of a completely reflexive “what seems cool to me right now” desire.

The only guidelines I set for this are teams which we currently have zero members, which means I had to leave off teams like the Inhumans, the Runaways, Alpha Flight and Excalibur.

Agents of Atlas

Agents of Atlas was recently collected in an oversized trade, so I was finally able to read a title I had been hearing good things about. To me this is the epitome of “perfect box set.” All brand new, never before done characters, each one very niche in quality, part of a team that is itself very niche. The members include:

Gorilla Man



Marvel Boy


A nice five-figure set with some very cool, unique characters.

Power Pack

I can’t see Power Pack members slipping into regular waves. At least, not the original kid versions. But all at once, in a single box set? Sounds like a perfct avenue to me. Members of Power Pack have marvel-time aged in recent stories, but I think they’d have to be released in their original kid versions in order to do the set justice. The members have gone through several code-names, but the originals are:





Great Lakes Avengers

One of the best underdog groups out there, the Great Lakes Avengers will have a surge of popularity and then fall through the cracks, only for someone to dust them off again and write some more stories about them. The original team includes:

Mr. Immortal

Big Bertha

Dinah Soar



Dinah Soar is dead, but being dead never stopped anybody from getting a toy. I’d put Squirrel girl in her slot, but she’s no doubt destined to get a regular release (any day now…) and Dinah Soar had a unique-enough design to deserve a figure.

Immortal Weapons

The Immortal Iron Fist series opened up the Iron Fist mythos and added a bunch of new characters that should appeal to any fan of wacked out ’70s Kung Fu cinema. While there are still other Iron fists that deserve to be made for fun factor alone, the Immortal Weapons each have very unique designs that would make an eye-catching box set:

Fat Cobra

Dog Brother

Bride of Nine Spiders

Prince of Orphans

Tiger’s Beautiful daughter

Warriors Three

A three figure boxset might seem like…a three-pack, but a figure the size of Volstagg takes up quite a bit of space. He’s worth at least three regular figures, and I’m sure he’d be more than happy to let us know that. Regardless, the Warriors Three have been stalwart Thor allies and have been properly anointed by the movies, so it’s past time to get them in plastic. There are three members that make up the Warriors Three, which is scientifically accurate, and they are:




I would not want to see them in their MCU clothes or teair MCU inspired clothes. There’s only one way for them to go, and that’s frilly.