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Top Five Completely Random Marvel Legends We Could Maybe Possibly Potentially (Who Really Knows?) See At SDCC

I think there’s one thing we can all agree with regarding the current state of Marvel Legends: things are weird.

I don’t mean weird in a bad way. I mean weird in an unpredictable way. Weird in a random, odds-defying way. There have been quite a lot of obvious figures making it out, but there have been just as many head-scratchers. Did anybody see the upcoming Poison figure coming out? Recent waves have been littered with surprises, right up to the BAF choices. I think people are still confused about Titus. Did anybody see Death’s Head II coming?

The Hasbro ML team seems to be having a fun time playing with expectations, doling out certain characters through various versions and making many of us suffer. Venom, Beetle Taskmaster and Vision have all played the “which version this time” roulette, which just makes everybody do the peepee dance waiting for “their” version to finally arrive.

Regardless of how happy anybody is with Marvel Legends lately, I think that unpredictability is a strength, and I’m much more excited for the various toy shows than I used to be. Since we’ve got SDCC coming up, I’m going to try to guess the top five random characters that might be shown off.

Squirrel Girl

At this point Squirrel girl has to be inevitable. Now, I say that, but show after show passes by without a Squirrel Girl. Squirrel Girl has built a fanbase from very niche to cult levels, embiggened by one of Marvel’s most enjoyable recent titles that definitely gives you your money’s worth in story. Squirrel Girl hits squarely in that Gwenpool/Ms. Marvel zone. If another SDCC passes without Squirrel Girl showing up in a display I’m seriously going to have to write a stern letter to somebody asking them where she is and why she hasn’t been made yet. I won’t sign it, and I probably won’t send it, but I’ll write it, by gum.

Superior Doctor Octopus

With a brand new version of Doc Ock’s classic costume coming out, that’s a check mark in the win column. But since I’m behind in my Spider-reading, I recently finally read the trades featuring this new cloned version of Dr. Octopus. Reading the source material is all it takes for me to be on board with things, so I am definitely up for this figure. I know it’s a Mad Libs version of a concept (The evil _____ has placed his _____ in a cloned version of _____’s body, and joined ______, to do evil things), but I don’t care, it looks cool. The only negative is if they reuse the Ock arms on the classic version, they’ll be just as static. Which is kind of lame. Like, Spider-Ham’s legs lame.

Amadeus Cho Hulk

A classic Hulk is a necessity at this point, but I think we all know Hasbro will continue to Hasbro the crap out of Hulk, and continue to give us other versions before the classic ripped-purple-pants version. Amadeus Cho Hulk will probably be shown off next, which will enrage a segment of the populace. But on the plus side, it will get us one figure closer to the recent Champions team. I would not be shocked at all if Cho came out before Banner. Then a classic Hulk will show up at NYCC, or next year’s Toy Fair. I’m onto you, Hasbro.

Modern Falcon

Falcon’s costumes divide people. I can understand it, because the Falcon has had some unique costumes. But since I’m not insane, I don’t really feel the need to criticize what the superpeople wear. I have a hard enough time picking out what color underwear I’m going to be wearing for the day, based on my mood, weather and the potentiality of alien abduction. Outside of the recent movie and Captain Amerifalcon looks, we’re due for a new Falcon figure. I have a feeling Hasbro will go for the modern version first. I actually like it, and not just because of my weakness for red and black. Well, that might have something to do with it, but I think it will make a snazzy figure. Hasbro will do a classic version eventually, but they’ll do this one first.

Classic Moon Knight

With modern Moon Knight getting a very nice figure (outside of the Crocs…dudes, it’s a superhero in Crocs, what the fuuuuuuuu…) it’s probably around the time where we’ll be getting a classic version of Moon Knight. I’m all for it, but for all that is funky, make him all white. I know what colors he should be, based on comic descriptions, but make Moon Knight all white. No silver, no gray, no black. White.

Ok, there are my choices for utterly random figures. Have some of your own? Share with the class!