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Mezco: One:12 Collective Marvel Old Man Logan Review

“Nature made me a freak. Man made me a weapon. And God made me last too long.”

It’s interesting how Mezco runs the spectrum in releases, from figures fully loaded and ornate, to ones that are light, straightforward, and with a few accessories. And within that spectrum, you get used to the idea the “loaded” figures are the place to be. And with Wolverine getting three figures in costumes, Logan, who was solicited before those figures, looked a little minimal by comparison.

But sometimes, you don’t need loads of extras. Sometimes, a hat, a duster, and some square-toe boots are all the accessories a man needs. When your best –and worst– adventures are behind you, two-tone costumes and horned masks can stay with them. And that’s how you arrive at a man like Logan.

Thanks to that damn trailer, every time I look at this figure, I hear the opening chords from Johnny Cash’s Hurt. It’s a song with some deep personal connections for me, I remember having to pull over when I first heard it in the car. But the movie did live up to such a powerful song, and it’s appropriate that this figure draws similar feelings, even if it isn’t Hugh under that brim.

Logan has possibly the most simple clothing we’ve seen to date, consisting of a white t-shirt and brown work pants, both with a little weathering on them. The pants have good detailing on them, with pocket and fly stitching and a great buckled belt.

The shirt is a little baggy, but it keeps the movement very unrestricted. People keep talking about the high waist on the pants, but it does have some adjustment. If it bothers you, though, there are only a couple strings that connect the shirt into the pants, so it would be easy to stitch or glue the two together at a better position. I could see maybe changing this for an A-shirt if I could find one, but overall, these simple clothes really do work for this figure.

The base body feels like it is mostly the same as the Wolverine figures, with new pieces for the forearms, boots and neck. Those new flesh parts have great sculpt and paint apps, and the new forearms and hands are subtly weathered and detailed. He even has dirt on his nails. Party due to an already poseable base body, and partly due to the clothing, Logan is great for expressive and action posing.

There is only one headsculpt included, but man…this one is something. While instantly recognizable as comic Logan, the age and damage gives the head an almost real-world appearance. It’s an interesting mix of the Steve McNiven art and a Mezco filter, is the best way I can describe it. It is easily my favorite Logan headsculpt in this scale.

For accessories, Logan has a set of open hands, fists, clawed fists, his hat, duster, and backpack with baby Hulk. The duster is similar to the PX Punisher’s leather jacket, and does have a wire in the collar to allow some adjustment. The pack has a decent sized cavity for the little plastic Hulk, so I suppose you could give him some alternate travelling gear. It’s worth pointing out that little Hulk has a stupid amount of paint detail.

This might read as a simple review, and it sort of is, for a pretty simple figure. But simple fits the inspiration, and the movie that followed. The simplicity is kinda key to the successful realisation here. I noticed he’s starting to sell through rather quickly, which is interesting, because I could have totally seen this one be g a sleeper. Unfortunately,  that means if Logan hadn’t won you over yet, you may not have much time to pick one up.

But should you get one, and maybe not feel “wowed” by him out of the box, I would recommend coming back to this one a little later. He’s certainly not as vibrant or exciting as his superhero versions, but there is something tantalizing about this figure, even beyond the inspiration, that keeps drawing him off the shelf. Thanks to Mezco for helping me get him!