eBay Frenzy usually has more featured auctions because I don’t keep it to a schedule. Sometimes it may be months between articles, which means lots of different and new content given the nature of eBay. It has been really rainy the past few weeks though, which means more Sundays sitting in the toy room checking out customs. Wishlisting and wanting and planning those customs that will probably never come to fruition. But it’s fun to look!
I not only love this Magik, I dig the presentation too. The blue fire effects work perfectly.
I want to say Phoenix Resurrection is a current story arc so I’m not sure if this color scheme is what’s being used at the moment. I just know I like the black and red color scheme.
I am a complete and utter sucker for figures that use the Old Man Logan jacket, even a younger Wolverine. Now we need a cowboy hat.
The tweaks and new paint job on the Walgreens Medusa take it over the top.
Oh man, Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends, how I loved that show. I dig the build on this Firestar and it’s a good way to use that Phoenix head that most have discarded after getting the TRU two pack.
At first I thought it was a zombie version but this is actually a battle damaged Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Leo. REALLY battle damaged.
A very nicely done Shuri. The paints just pop and the mechanical parts complicatedly contrast against the costume.
The power effect is conveyed well on this Karma, not to mention that old New Mutants flavor.
A little large and muscley compared to my mental image but I can’t pass on a Red X.
And just like last week, I’m blown away by some X-Force. The current Cable and Shatterstar have me in that mindset and you guys just further that by knocking out some fantastic customs of other members. Like this Feral.
Or this Boomer. The pink is so smooth it’s like bubblegum. Bubblegum reminds me of Boomer. It’s a vicious circle.
Plus he has a Feral in one of the Boomer pics, not to even mention Siryn. You guys are KILLING me!