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New York Toy Fair 2018: Mezco Reactions

It’s really too bad Mezco didn’t have much to show at Toy Fair …

Like this …

Or like this …

… that I don’t need to buy. Do people still get paper routes? I’m gonna need an extra job.

So, obviously, this was another big show for the guys at Mezco. They doubled down hard on the DC and Marvel universes, both cinematic and comic, but showed the third angle of the One:12 line, the cinema and horror themed figures, are picking up some momentum as well.

For DC, this was another great outing if you like Batman, as Mez clearly does. We got some better looks at the Justice League tactical version, along with a first look at Flash, in an almost complete movie roster — plus Knightmare Batman in what’s hopefully his final show before shipping. If those all make it out before year’s end, that would be quite the accomplishment. Ascending Knight, Beyond, the remaining Joker versions and Catwoman all made an appearance as well, and the new Sovereign Knight figure. For those new to the line, Ascending and Sovereign are the first two of a trilogy of figures chronicling Batman’s career. Where Ascending is their “Year One” version, this is Batman in his prime. The texture and color of the body suit are a bit different than the reveal images looked, but of course some of this may be due to prototyping and the strange tricks that light play on displays at cons. Trust me, it can screw with you. Still, he looks interesting, and if the early reviews of Ascending are any indication (Robo, you bastard), this will be a helluva figure.

The comics didn’t get quite the same love outside of the Bat-verse as they have in the past, but a very cinematic-feeling John Stewart Green Lantern did make his first appearance.  I really like the look of this figure. He joins the small but respectable comic roster, and hopefully Darksied, sometime before the end of this year.

The Marvel movie/TV figures got a couple surprising boosts this show. Netflix Punisher was no real shock, but he does look awesome, and it will be nice to see his final loadout. Black Panther snuck out in preorder right before the show, and there is no doubt he’s going to be one of their best movie figures to date, pairing nicely with Thor and Hulk who are slated for this summer. But it was completely unexpected to see Hella join those three- with a very nice likeness. Female figures, especially female villains? The more the merrier. Likewise, it was cool to see the season 1 Daredevil alongside the Punisher and his later series version. We also got another look at the homemade and standard Spider-Man movie suits, and as excited as I am for the version dropping now, the build of those figures makes me think they’ll have the edge.

Comic versions for Marvel definitely came out swinging this time, with three huge reveals. Cyclops was shown in a Jim Le- inspired deco, with the harness and open mask. Personally, I’m not for sure on this one’s costume yet, but the head sculpts and visor effects may win me over, if one of the variants doesn’t do that already. No such concerns for the other two though — Blade and Cable might be the two best looking figures in the entire show for me. I was bitching to Canonball not even a week ago how I need a good Cable figure [Canonball here — can confirm]. I will bitch no more. And with Blade feeling like a perfect mix of cinematic and comic book, I can’t think of a version I’d want more.

But the other corners of One:12 were no slouch either. It was nice to see the Ghostbusters and Popeye are well on their way to pre-orders soon, and progress is being made on Ash and the Living Dead figures we saw last year. Earlier, Alex from Clockwork Orange came out of nowhere and lit up on pre-order, then John Wick blitzed us right before the show. Getting to see them both looking very ready to ship under the glass was excellent. We got to confirm some earlier teaser suspicions with the reveal of Jason, and got another look at Micheal Myers — that puts us well on the way to a pretty iconic horror collection all their own.

This is a big showing for these guys, and big shows is really what they do best. Only minor downsides I can really come up with was not a Keaton Batman among those pointy ears, and not a lot boding well for the Star Trek series. Everybody else, though — it might be time to rediscover your tolerance for Ramen noodles. We’re gonna need that cash.