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Hasbro: Marvel Legends Walmart Exclusive Thanos Video and Quick Pics

The Walmart Exclusive Marvel Legends Thanos is essentially the old Build-A-Figure with some color changes and a couple of accessories. Same sculpt, same articulation. But it’s still the bee’s knees. Sliced bread. Other phases that denote excellence, at least from this simple reviewer’s perspective.

There really isn’t much else to say even though I tried my damnedest by running the video up to nearly ten minutes. Sure, there is some looseness in the leg, and I’ve heard others comment on various other joints. His hips downright suck in the outward movement department. And I would have liked the skintone to be slightly lighter along with some other minor aesthetic tweaks. But this guy looks gooooooood on the shelf.

That’s basically it.

Oh, and it’s $20. That’s a hell of a deal, I feel. Good enough to rhyme, even. Don’t believe me? Ask Steven.

I have no clue where this is going. Just watch the video or look at the pictures.



Head options:

Infinity Gauntlet:

Alternate left hand:

