It seems like the next wave of Marvel Legends has hit store shelves. Wait, the next next wave. The next next next wave? Yeah, I think this puts most of us three waves behind. But it does confirm some things about the Avengers: Infinity War wave!
As far as I can tell, this pic comes from Australia.
I had seen the comic figures in this wave, and had seen lists about the rest, but this pretty much confirms MCU Cap, Iron Man, and spoilers…….
You’re still scrolling, better be sure.
Passing the point of no return.
….Iron Spider-Man for the wave. Also, Proxima Midnight. I’m not familiar enough with the character to know if it’s movie or comic though. I know, I know, bad fanboy, bad! But it’s good to know the BaF is movie Thanos. This will help people make their case buying decisions when it comes time.
So that’s the Spider-Man Legends Lizard wave and the Deadpool Legends Sasquatch wave trickling out now, with the Avengers Legends Infinity War wave following close behind.
It’s as if our wallets are all screaming out in unison, like lost souls in purgatory. “We used to be full…..and now we hunger…..for something besides…..a license and a maxed credit card……help us…..”