This really, really isn’t the Batman figure we needed, but it’s the one we deserved. I feel like someone’s probably used that lead-in for a review before. Hell, I’ll probably forget and use it again when the MAFEX Batman 3.0 comes out in a few months. At least I hope I’ll feel the same way about it as I do about this Batman Begins version.
When Medicom started announcing all the Nolan Trilogy Batman figures I didn’t know what to think. I still don’t. Why now? Why the number of figures we’re getting? Updates to the popular characters like Batman and Joker. Another Catwoman. Bane. Two-Face. Scarecrow. Even Joker in police uniform. I’m almost expecting a Rachel or Alfred to go up for solicitation next. And given that MAFEX has been a bit buggy in the past I was hoping their new direction in quality was going to carry over to this line.
I’m super happy to say that it has. I don’t think I’ll ever need another Batman Begins Batman. This is one damn fantastic figure.
Sure, it has it negatives. Like most MAFEX, the unmasked head is soft and very basic. The print tech is there but very sparse, almost like they are afraid to go too heavy with it to add some skintones and extra details. That carries over to the cowled head too but it only affects the eyes. Again, basic, but get a little back and it works for that mysterious Batman look.
The chest switching feature is brilliant though. If you didn’t know it was there you’d probably miss it. And for having the weight of the cape pulling at it when you’re posing, the magnets keep the plate in place very securely. Oh, and the cape is great too. Not thick and stiff like the S.H. Figuarts The Dark Knight Batman. This one is light and the wire thin while still being able to hold position.
But being a great figure is a double-edged sword in this case. That means I’ll have to get the rest of the assortment. Not that I had much choice. Before I could even crack this one open my Selina Kyle 2.0 shipped. Funny how even with the delay of this Batman it just happened to arrive and ship a few days before Catwoman. Double shipping charge for the win! But now I absolutely can’t wait to see how she turns out, along with all the rest. Although I’m still a bit nervous about Joker. The prototype looks absolutely fantastic but the face will utilize the printing process. Will it be up to snuff?
Hand options:
Alternate head:
Alternate chest options: