There are other days that I’d probably split these three reveals into separate articles but you know what? It’s a holiday. Wait, then why am I looking at toys? Because toys, silly goose. Great looking toys. Don’t judge me! Anyway, Medicom just solicited their MAFEX Star Wars: The Last Jedi Captain Phasma, Alex from A Clockwork Orange, and RoboCop from….RoboCop. Don’t they make an interesting trio?
First, Captain Phasma.
It’s not that different from the Star Wars: The Force Awakens version, but you can see some tweaks. Mostly in the shin area. And the weapon area. Maybe the crotchal region. And then of course the toothpicks. My biggie is she apparently buffed the patina out of the armor. It’s way shinier now. Here’s a comparison:
Don’t get me wrong, that first MAFEX Phasma is my main display figure, just an amazing piece. So if you like the differences you shouldn’t be disappointed.
I say “shouldn’t” because even though they’ve been on a winning streak, you just never know with Medicom. Either way, here’s Alex:
Alex includes several portraits along with a couple of hat options (one with a mask), cane, cane with blade removed, and a glass. And I’m guessing several sets of hands.
And then finally RoboCop:
I’m not a huge fan of RoboCop, even thought it’s bored into my brain after all these years, but just look at this magnificent bastard.
I have the NECA version but there is just something about this one that screams awesome. Plus it’s absolutely loaded with accessories.
But even with all of that extra plastic it’s no more expensive than the other two. Which surprises me with Phasma, who I’m still guessing has quite a bit of reuse. But all three are about $68. Alex is scheduled for June, Phasma for July, and RoboCop for….September? Damn it!