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Hasbro: Star Wars: The Last Jedi Captain Poe Dameron

I’m super curious to see where Poe Dameron’s story goes in The Last Jedi, especially considering he was supposed to die early on in The Force Awakens. Oscar Isaac is a really charming presence on screen, so I hope they give him interesting stuff to do. Let’s take a look at Captain Poe Dameron!

Poe had a couple of Black Series figures from The Force Awakens and they were a mixed bag at best. The bodies were fine, but the heads suffered from some particularly bad paint jobs. Those heads repainted by experts looked really nice, but the production figures were pretty rough.

I think that, unfortunately, this Poe is also a bit of mixed bag. The body sculpt looks great with sharp details and appropriate textures, and the likeness in production looks a lot closer to Oscar Isaac than previous efforts.

Poe comes with his resistance blaster, the same weapon his TFA pilot figure came with.

It’s cast in some fairly solid plastic that holds detail pretty well. I like the shiny paint quite a bit and it fits well in the holster.

He does not come with any helmets, but he can wear the helmets from the previous Poe Dameron figures.

The paint is not great. Most of the figure is cast in the correct plastic color. The eyes are a little cartoony because the whites of the eyes are a bit larger than the sculpted area. They also are still having a heck of a hard time with Oscar Isaac’s 5 o’clock shadow.

It’s an airbrush shading of some type and is pretty uneven on my figure. One thing I do like is the worn patch on the jacket is accomplished via a well detailed tampo.

The articulation is standard black series with the following POA:

  • Ball and socket head and torso
  • Swivel/hinge neck, shoulders, wrists, elbows, hips and ankles
  • Double-hinged knees
  • Swivel thighs

The figure moves okay, but the ab crunch is a little stiff and doesn’t have much range of motion. Overall, I’m a little disappointed in this figure. It’s just mediocre. I don’t hate it, but I’m not loving it either.

The costume seems a little like a Han Solo cosplay, but with duller colors. He could have used a little something with him to jazz up the figure a bit. Something like BB-H8, the evil BB unit.