Oh Hasbro, I do love Star Wars: Rebels, but I don’t love how long it’s taking to get the main characters from the show. Don’t get me wrong, what we have is fantastic, and adding the Black Series Hera to the mix is amazing, but I need more. MORE!
It’s made worse by just how good Hera is as an action figure. I mean, scroll down and look at that face and all the sculpted details. Come back up here when you’re done. This will still be here waiting.
And that’s on top of a pretty nice Kanan and Ahsoka, along with Thrawn. I absolutely love Sabine but some people may not because of her scarcity. Either way, Hasbro is doing a good job of rounding out the cast. Slowly.
Very slowly.
We need Ezra. He’s the central character. But at this point people may like his older look but with all of the released figures so far being from season one we need kid Ezra. With blaster saber.
We need Chopper. In fact, I don’t know why we don’t have one already. He’s a droid, he’s an awesome character, and he was glimpsed in Rogue One. That has all the makings of an action figure in 6-inch scale. In a perfect world he’s come in a two-pack with S1 Ezra, but we know how that goes.
And most importantly, we need Zeb. He’s a main crew member. But most of all it would make for an interesting action figure. Alien proportions and facial features, a color that we don’t have on the shelf already, and an imposing size. Screams action figure.
This is about Hera, but like I always say, a great action figure makes you want more. She’s so great that I’m daydreaming about what else I need from the show. And it’s a lot, way more than the three I listed. And that’s not even mentioning that I’d love head packs for later versions of characters, like Sabine and Kanan. I know, I know, it’s more than just head changes but I’m also describing a product that will never happen anyway, so allow me to wishlist. Head packs. Pfffft. Maybe they can come with that 1/12 scale Ghost…
Also, VeeBee was kind enough to throw pictures he took my way to help out in this review, so keep that in mind when wondering about the black background. He’s just way better with the camera, no way am I turning down help.