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Articulated Icons: Shipping Update and Customer Service Email

Backers! Thank you for your patience during the past month as shipping has been rolling along. We know it’s been a long, long wait and that light at the end of the tunnel is finally coming into view, but we also know that there are issues.

First of all, all Kickstarter backer orders have been sent out, and more than half of the pre-orders are hitting the post office now. A lot of people have already received their ninjas. If you haven’t gotten a notice yet it should be this week.

We’re hearing of quality control issues and missing items here and there. If you are have a problem please send an email to [email protected]. Whoa whoa whoa, before jumping right on that, please read the following.

If you’re noticing your invoice lists more rooftops than what you received, take a look at how many Deluxe Ninjas and Shinobis you ordered. There was a glitch with the rooftop SKU and it listed them separately when the extras are actually packed in with the deluxe white, deluxe black, and blue ninjas. You can see them through the window, behind the figure. It also adds quite a bit of weight to those packages.

For missing figures please include a picture or copy of the invoice packed with your order. It’ll make it easier to double check against our system.

Did your figure break? Have wrong parts? Missing parts? Messed up in some way? Include a picture. We will be replacing either parts or whole figures on a case by case basis, sending the necessary pieces to make your figure better. In cases where the whole figure needs to be replaced we’ll need you to send yours back to us.

Basically, send a picture. Of anything. Of everything. We’re a trusting lot but we’d like to confirm as much as possible before sending out replacements. We really just want everyone to be happy with their ninjas. And samurai. And martial artists.

Thank you,

The Articulated Icons Team