She was missing from recent convention displays and then failed to make it into the latest wave but it looks like the Star Wars Black Series Hera Syndulla is on her way with an updated look!
Amazon has updated their listing of the delayed Rebel hero, and the changes aren’t as drastic as you might have thought.
For reference, here is the original promotional shot…
And here she is from last year’s San Diego Comic Con…
The most noticeable difference, of course, is the paint. The new Amazon pics look like actual factory samples. The lighter markings on her lekku, the production look of the face paints (although they still look pretty good), the toned down costume colors. So why the delay? Take a close look at the head.
On the prototype it looked like the goggles were either a separate piece or flipped down over the eyes. Look at the SDCC pic, there is a gap around where the goggles attach to the ear pieces. The new shots don’t have that. So maybe there was just some engineering tweaks that had to be done. Maybe the feature didn’t cost out or was deemed unnecessary? No clue. But it seems the head was also dropped lower on the neck.
Hera is rumored to be hitting Force Friday, so keep an eye out. Me, I’m going to be haunting the Amazon page like…something that haunts something a lot. Shut up.