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Mezco: One:12 Collective Punisher “Classic” Edition

Maaaan, some of you guys are going to be pissed.

Rounding out the Punisher variants, we at last come to the Classic Punisher. And we do not come to it without some strife. Although all versions of this excellent figure have become increasingly difficult to lay hands on recently, this is the one that got the Internet all … Internet-y, really.

The Classic Punisher ended up a Mezco store exclusive, following a period of uncertainty, and was limited to a pretty small 400-figure run. Honestly. if you had asked me before release, I probably would have said it was a low, if acceptable, number. At the time this figure was first shown last year, it felt like the modern version had a lot more love in the fandom, and this version, while evoking the classic look without being exactly classic, had a sort of mixed response.

So, when I hopped on that Monday morning, it was really more of a “what the hell, why not?” than a jump into the fray. Little did I know …

All of which really is a shame, though. This is a great costume variant, without being as essential as the standard or deluxe versions, and is a perfect complement to the other more comic-styled figures.

Classic Punisher has a single-piece nylon uniform, which not only looks sharp, but also gives him a little edge in poseablility, not unlike Classic Cap has over the standard. The Skull is tampographed on his chest perfectly, and pairs excellent with the shoulder rig, belt, and leg-drop holster kit that Deluxe Punisher had. It gets a weathered white paint job, as do his gloves and boots. I almost skipped right over the addition of the new longer gloves that the sleeves tuck into — obviously necessary for a more classic look, and a great addition.

This version feels a little light on accessories compared to the standard (deluxe don’t count), and that may be a sort of mixed blessing, given it’s exclusivity. The same three heads are included, as well as the same hand options, just done in white. For weaponry, his loadout is lifted from the deluxe: one M1911 with extra mag, one Magnum revolver, one sawed-off .12 Gauge, and one Accuracy International-styled rifle with extra mag. The firing effect and fighting knife are also in attendance. It’s not a bad loadout by any means, but I felt like this version could have used something a little different, maybe a M16A1 or an alternate younger head. But, that would add salt to an already good wound, should people not have caught the figure. For more details on the accessories, or articulation breakdown, feel free to check my earlier two reviews on Punisher, since there’s not much benefit in going through it a third time.

Overall, if I could set the circumstances aside, I think I would still be very happy to pick up this version of an already excellent figure. I have always been fond of the artwork of Mike Zeck, and while this isn’t exactly his type of Punisher, it’s not going to get kicked out of bed for eating crackers. And again, I love the look with Classic Cap and Daredevil. All that said, though, you’re really not getting anything significantly improved or unique over the other versions. I would honestly caution against getting too hardcore in the aftermarket for one of these, unless this is THE version of Punisher for you, because at even retail pricing, I think the standard version still has more going for it.

Oh, one added little note: my figure shipped with these cool little oversized postcards with some upcoming figures on them, similar to ones they’ve handed out at shows. One thing struck me about these is the new One:12 Collective Tagline: “Pose. Display. Play.”  Damn straight, fellas. Damn straight.