I’ve been playing with this figure so much that I finally decided to take some pictures. DisThunder already reviewed this Batman, making my work much easier, so I don’t have wax poetic words about the figure. Instead, I get to take some pics.
But I will offer a few short words. This could easily have been a “figure of the year” for 2016; it is that amazing. I’ve found very few things that I would like to see improved. The cloth costume is amazing, the articulation is amazing, and the figure underneath is amazing. For all the accessories and kit, this figure is perfectly justified at the price range.
I don’t see actor Ben Affleck in this figure, although I do. Really, I see Batman, a way buff Batman, but this is Batman. There is just about no pose that he can’t attain, except crouching. This figure isn’t really designed to crouch. Limitation in the hip range of motion prevents a good crouch, but that doesn’t keep me from posing the hell out of this figure. Hand Candy.
In keeping it short, you need this figure. You may think you don’t, but you do. Just read DiThunder’s review:
Mezco: One:12 Collective Dawn of Justice Batman
You can pick him up today: