It’s going to be another good year for Marvel Legends. Hasbro’s team filled out more of 2017’s offerings at their New York Toy Fair event today, with promises of a few more reveals throughout the year.
Here’s what we’ve got so far.
6” Spider-Man Homecoming wave
Spider-Man (Homecoming with web wings)
Spider-Man (movie; home made costume)
Vulture (movie)
Moon Knight (Marvel Now)
Cosmic Spidey (with alt. heads)
Beetle (classic 80’s) thing of beauty
BaF: Vulture’s wings which span about 23”
Iron Man (Homecoming)
Spidey (Homecoming with alt Tom Holland head)
Guardians of the Galaxy wave 2
Deaths Head II
Ex Nihilo
Adam Warlock (with Magus head)
Star-Lord (movie; smirk/scarf)
Rocket (new added artic. with baby Groot)
BaF Mantis
So you’re thinking, “Why is Mantis the BaF?!” It’s because she’s a completely new tool, and that was the way they could cost her out.
Ego and Star-Lord two pack (movie accurate Pratt face and alt Ego head)
Thor wave fall 2017
Jane Foster Thor <- just a teaser shown
Exclusive 6” fare:
Toys R Us
Mary Jane and Spider-Man
Cyclops (Byrne deco) and Dark Phoenix (new body)
A-Force Box set including (no figures shown, only comic art):
Pulse (Monica Rambeau)
Lady Loki
She-Hulk (new head)
Elsa Bloodstone
Wal Mart:
Ultimate Vulture (alt heads) vs. Spider-Man
12” Black costume Spider-Man
Thor two-pack (to be revealed)
Marvel vs. Capcom (to be revealed)
Invisible Woman with Herbie
Human Torch (yes, he is sort of a semi-translucent, overspray type execution, much like the Ares wave figure, but of course much better. A translucent 4 symbol is on his chest but it was difficult to make out in the slide)
Deadpool Legends wave is coming…
Netflix wave will include
Jessica Jones
Two single carded figures TBA
Build-a-Figure: is not Kingpin. They’re aren’t ready to announce, but I can confirm that it is NOT a character from the Netflix shows. It is a “larger scale” comic character. Hmmm…
Here’s our pics from the gallery, with some 3.75″ inch figures thrown in for good measure!