Now that The Force Awakens is out in full “force” (pun intended), meek, cautious collectors such as myself are now able to comfortably get into the line without fear of being burned again like we were when The Phantom Menace toys and movie came out. New waves are rolling out slowly, but they are making their way to retailers steadily. Included in the third wave currently hitting the pegs is the single-carded First Order TIE Fighter Pilot. Another, slightly different version of this figure was included with that gigantic TIE Fighter set that was also recently released, but this figure is a nice option for those of us for whom owning that TIE Fighter is not an option, or for those who’d like to fill out the First Order troops a bit more.
To begin, here’s RoboKillah’s video review of the giant TIE Fighter set that came with its own TIE Fighter Pilot, the only difference, I believe, is the paint deco on the helmet:
Now on to the single-carded figure:
Packaging Is standard Hasbro Force Awakens Black Series fare. Given all the black, it can be real easy to miss this guy on the pegs. I had to take a triple-take at it to be sure I was actually seeing what I was seeing (I had no idea the wave was even hitting at the time). But the all-black pilot looks so cool against the red backdrop of the packaging. It did its job. I bought it. The TIE Fighter Pilots were always among the cooler Imperial troops, and this First Order update carries on that tradition in fine style. There is still the all-black uniform and menacing helmet, breathing apparatus, and random buttons and lights on his chest. Even with the updated design, it’s easy to tell who this is supposed to be in the Star Wars universe.
When I spotted this figure on the pegs, I hadn’t seen the movie yet. I’ve been conservative with which Force Awakens figures I’ve been purchasing because I’m still shell-shocked from the Phantom Menace toys. But I picked up this guy and the Resistance Trooper “just in case” the movie ended up being good. Well, now I’m glad I took the risk because now I want all the things.
What’s super-cool here is the goggles. Not until I took these pics did I realize his eyes are a dark blue. It’s not immediately obvious when you have him in hand, but it’s just one of those little things that makes the figure seem all the more interesting. Otherwise, it’s a sleek update of the original TIE Pilot. The gloss black paint totally sells it too.
His only accessory is a pistol. It fits nicely in his hand, but there’s no holster on the figure to keep it in, so he’s permanently wielding it, pretty much. I figure if a TIE Pilot is out of his ship, he’s either standing in formation for General Hux, or he’s about to handle an enemy. I like to think he’s perpetually about to handle some Resistance piece of scum. Like BB-8, for instance.
His articulation is pretty standard Hasbro Black Series fare as well. Meaning, it’s mostly functional, but it’s a bit frustrating too.
He’s got limited movement in his neck, and then the fairly standard Hasbro hinge-and-swivel shoulder/elbow/wrist configuration. He seems to have a ball-jointed torso, and then ball-jointed hips that are hindered by his pelvis, which then make his double-jointed knees a bit less-than-useful. But, hey — at least he can get in a full kneeling pose. Finally, his ankles are consistent with other Black Series figures, so there’s a good range of motion there. I assume he can sit in the TIE Fighter without issue, but I can’t confirm since I don’t have one handy.
I won’t say this is an essential figure for your collection, but I like having him on my shelf. It adds some diversity to the First Order troops, and the design builds on the original design in a similar way the Stormtrooper does — it adds a sleek and cold element to a classic design, which feels perfect for the First Order.
I found this guy at Target, so keep your eyes peeled. In the wake of the movie’s success, all Star Wars toys are sure to be in high demand right now.
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