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5 Characters We Want to See in DC’s Icons Line

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You know that slightly uneasy feeling when you realize another figure line has managed to suck you in? It’s more than the “oh, hey that’s cool; they’ve got new figures on the shelves.” It’s that obsessive, searching online for any news, thoughts, updates and when you start thinking who you’d love to see get made into the line next. That’s where I am with DC Collectibles new Icons line.

I know the true 6-inch scale has scared off some potential collectors, but I’m all in with the line, with Superman, Aquaman, Green Lantern, Flash, Firestorm, Joker, Lex Luthor, Harley Quinn, Atomica, and even Static all coming.

5. Robin — This was an oddly tricky choice for me as I liked every Robin as Robin except for Jason Todd. He’s a far better Red Hood. damian wayne robin

For Dick Grayson’s first figure, Nightwing seems like the better choice at this point, which is a whole other can of worms — “Disco” debut version or modern blue/red chest.

I’m kinda partial to Tim Drake’s Red Robin outfit too, so in the end I went for the current Robin, Damian Wayne. The Green Arrow figure has me convinced DCC could make the hood work, and I’d like to see them do a child sidekick to really explore the limits of their scale.

sinestro corps sinestro4. Sinestro — We’ve got Hal Jordan and John Stewart coming, so a Lantern opponent makes sense, and we can’t start off with anyone besides Sinestro. I’m amazed I’ve turned on yet another classic style, but I’ve come to consider the Sinestro Corps version the ideal Sinestro attire. We don’t need a Deluxe version like the Hal Jordan figure, though.

deathstroke3. Deathstroke — All that modern talk? Goes out the window right here. George Perez designed a perfect outfit on the first go for Slade Wilson and there’s no other version I’d buy. DCC could even go the extra mile and toss in a second unmasked head so we could have a two-fer cheaper than the admittedly still awesome DCUC version.

hawkman2. Hawkman — Martian Manhunter was close in the running here, but in the end, my curiosity over DCC engineering Hawkman’s wings earned him the nod. This is a figure that could work as a deluxe version as it could allow for an easy way to make several versions in one set. Cowled helmet for a Earth-2 Justice Society version. Joe Kubert/George Perez-style mask obscuring the face Justice League version and a third head with additional weapons belt for a Geoff Johns era Hawkman.

1.Wonder Woman — You knew this had to be the top choice, right? We’ve got Batman, and Superman is on the way, so the third member of the DC Trinity needs her due. Write this down as I never say it, but Jason Fabok’s modern update for Wonder Woman’s classic attire may actually be my favorite look for the character. wonder woman

The silver in place of gold and the armor design to really convey the Amazonian warrior is a look that would be perfect for a figure. I almost never prefer the modern over classic, but this is one I happily go against my norm on.

So who just missed the cut? Click here for choices 6-10.