New carded pics of both the Spider-Man Absorbing Man Series and Captain America Axis Red Skull Series just popped up, and they look glorious!
They seem to be coming out of Singapore, according to the Marvel Legends (Toyline) Facebook page. Could we see these around the holiday season this year, like we’ve seen in the past with assortments scheduled for the new year? I hope so. C’mon Christmas bonus.
Ben Reilly and Speed Demon aren’t included in the Spidey Series pics, but I’m not worried. Venom has fists!
Everything in the Cap Series looks excellent. Extra weapons for Scourge and Taskmaster, and Cap has a pointy finger hand. Niiice.
Overall, they look great. Seeing carded images gets me more excited than even promo pics or seeing them revealed at a convention. Carded means right around the corner.