Well, we have been showing a lot of new stuff over this past week, including all of the current stretch goal levels and figures. We have five days left until the end of the campaign, so you have not made your pledge yet, please head on over and do so! Oh, and if you need some help keeping everything straight, here is a recap of everything we have revealed.
Don’t worry, we might just have a few more announcements up our sleeves for early next week, but as we head into the weekend, here is our current line-up:
Our basic and deluxe ninjas make up our opening campaign, but the rest are our featured stretch goals, so the best way to make them happen is to go in at the Devoted Legion level. That way, you can get them all!
Oh, and while it is cool to see the figures featured, Matt K has been working his magic, so if you haven’t been keeping up with Instagram and other social media, here is what he has been working on:
Like I said, we will have more for you now that we are in the home stretch, so be on the look out for more announcements that could be really exciting! In the mean time, thanks for your support, we really appreciate it!