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First Look: Masters of the Universe Classics Ceratus


We are certainly getting to all corners of the Masters of the Universe Classics collection in this week’s previews.

We have already brought you a look at a vehicle and Princess of Power character, and there is still a wide variety of previews to come. In sharp contrast to Perfuma, we are changing gears to look at her partner from the Club 200X also shipping in October: Ceratus. The heroic brother of the evil Whiplash, Ceratus leads the Caligar people and is a member of King Randor’s esteemed Royal Council. That résumé makes him more than qualified to be a member of this year’s add-on sub, and even though the lineup has been quite impressive thus far, Ceratus still stands out.

At the halfway point, I think it is safe to say that Callix, Evilseed, the head pack, and King Chooblah have already made the Club 200X subscription a marked success. Actually, since I recently received the balance of the subscription figures, I can confirm that point. In fact, the 200X mini-sub is probably the best one that has been offered to date, and that is coming from someone who is not the biggest 200X-style fan in the world. The fact is, the figures that we have gotten thus far have all been dynamite with a lot of new tooling and character-specific weapons and accessories. Sure, some could argue that they really skate the line of taking on the Classics aesthetic, but I challenge anyone to look at Callix or Chooblah and say that are not great figures.


I am happy to report that Ceratus carries on that tradition of action figure goodness, and he does so in a fashion that still allows him to stand out among his impressive peers. I realize that he was perhaps a bit overlooked in the midst of everyone else, but he might actually be my favorite all-around action figure from the 200X line so far. I really enjoyed his episodes on the MYP cartoon, and his familial connection to Whiplash helped to flesh-out one of my all-time favorite MOTU characters as well. It is an interesting concept that 200X and Classics canon work so hard to put order to things when the older left a lot of things to mystery, but it is a good way to help get figures of more supporting characters, and after all this time, that is what really enriches the collection.

If you take subject preferences on character design out of the equation, it is hard to call Ceratus anything but flawless in terms of a Classics figure. While he follows the scheme of the line with part reuse and common articulation configuration, the sculpt is (of course) stunning, the paint is very clean, and the quality of the materials and engineering is completely solid. Heck, Ceratus does not even have any of that shiny plastic that constantly reminds you that you are looking at a toy, so even the minutia is covered here. It is funny that this subscription has not rolled a single “Whammie,” but even if I wanted to find a flaw, I would be hard-pressed.

In terms of reuse, you will easily be able to recognize some Whiplash and Demo-Man parts, but I am actually surprised that more of the former did not work its way into the construction of this figure. His chest overlay is new, he has new arms, lower legs, a unique loincloth, and, heck, even his tail/back piece, while similar to Whiplash, is very different in a lot of places. All of this comes together to make a very source-accurate figure. Ceratus has a lot of new parts, and that is great, but it is also kind of the rub with the figure, especially if you are a bit OCD about aesthetic continuity. Don’t get me wrong, he fits in with other Classics figures, but because he is “right from the screen” and Whiplash is based on the vintage, you kind of lose the association that these two are brothers, at least in the looks department. I am not complaining about this, simply pointing it out because you might be more sensitive about it.


If that is not an issue for you, then you will have a field day with this figure because everything looks great, from the tip of his ears to the spikes on his tail. Speaking of those two things, I really love the very threatening mace-like ball at the end of Ceratus’ tail, and his ears are adorned with earrings made of real metal — a nice touch. I really like his head sculpt as well, and while it is definitely imposing, it is not evil, which is befitting of the character. Since he is mostly a drab green, the light blue accents in his belt and gauntlets complement him well, and I really dig the leather texture in his loin cloth. He does have the standard Whiplash/Buzz-Off chest, but there is a new overlay that helps match the source a more; I have read some rumblings that this suffers from being “fat” armor, but, frankly, I do not see it.

His body is adorned with several “spikes” as well to fit the motif of his tail, and they make it easy to tell that this guy is definitely in charge. Like I said, the back/tail piece is similar to Whiplash, but there are more fins and sails, especially at the top. His shins are new and have additional detailing, as do his shoulders. I would note that due to the spikes on the shoulders, it limits their joint range of motion just a bit, but nothing too terrible. Additionally, I like the use of the Demo-Man hands and feet on this figure, and I hope we actually get to see those a bit more often in the line as they have some good detail and, up to now, are very underused.


Finally, Ceratus comes with a new and unique weapon, and I wish I could give a name to it, but I am not exactly sure what the heck it is. It is supposed to be made of bone and wood, and it looks cool, but I don’t know what to call it. I guess it is a some manner of spiked hammer or a bone axe or something, but whatever it is, Ceratus makes it look badass, so I am sure if Webstor ever wants to come back down Subternia way, he will lose his egg sack at the site of it. Since Whiplash has always had a spear or that 200X techno-slasher thing, I will assume he got those from Tri-Klops as it doesn’t look as though his people fight with that kind of technology, not that they would need to with that whole mace on the end of the tail thing.

Four figures in and Club 200X is batting a thousand. Ceratus is a very well-designed action figure, and he makes a great universe-builder for the Classics line. Even in the midst of more high-profile characters like Evilseed and Veena, there is no denying that this King of the Caligar’s is one impressive little plastic man. The little details like new character-specific pieces and real metal earrings really win me over, but there is not a weak link on this figure, especially if you take it on its own merits. I believe he will end up surprising a lot of collectors when he starts hitting door steps next month, so don’t underestimate him!

*Thanks for checking this out, and thanks again to the Matty Team for sending Ceratus along. Don’t worry, we are only halfway through our new MOTU coverage this week!

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