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Power-Con 2016 Tickets and Exclusives Pre-Order Information


Are you ready for the Power to return? Power-Con is back on for 2016! This Saturday is a very important date for tickets and exclusive pre-orders, so check out all of the details.

Here are all the details.

via The Power-Con:

Are you ready for the power to return on June 4th and 5th!? Tickets for the 2016 Power-Con show in Los Angeles, CA will be available for pre-order on Saturday, August 15th at 9:00am Pacific / 12:00pm Eastern.

Also available to attendees who pre-order their tickets is the ability to pre-purchase the Power-Con Masters of the Universe Classics Exclusives:

Each attendee may pre-purchase up to three of each exclusive for every ticket pre-ordered. We anticipate the exclusives to sell out during the ticket pre-order period so please plan accordingly!

Attendees may not purchase multiple tickets for themselves; you may only purchase additional tickets for others who will be in your party, in attendance, at the convention. Attendees and everyone in your party for whom you have purchased tickets must be present at the time of ticket pick-up. Attendees must be present at the convention to pick up their exclusives; they will not be shipped.

Ticket Pricing:

  • Full Weekend Pass: $40
  • Saturday Only Pass: $25
  • Sunday Only Pass: $25
  • Power Pass: $150 (limited to only 10 passes)
    The Power Pass includes:  Full Weekend Pass to the convention, special Power Pass badge, all ticket pre-order incentive items (see below), free Power-Con t-shirt, guaranteed front-row panel seating, and VIP access to Power-Con’s green room (you never know who might be in there!). Note: You must pre-order the MOTUC exclusives separately, they are not included.

Children under the age of 12 may enter the show for free without a ticket. They are not eligible to purchase the exclusives unless a ticket is purchased for them.

Ticket Pre-Order Incentives:

  • Exclusive mini prints to be revealed later
  • Additional incentives will be revealed soon!


More details about the exclusive Power-Con figures:

Pending performance of pre-order sales, we cannot guarantee there will be additional figure stock for purchase at the convention. Each figure is planned to come on a standard Masters of the Universe Classics blister card that is inside a mailer box and Granamyr will come in the standard “MOTUC” packaging with box art inside a mailer box. Packaging is subject to change.

The vendor that will be processing pre-orders uses a shopping cart reserve system. Once you add an item to your cart, you will have approximately ten minutes to complete your order. If an item is in your cart, you do not need to fear that item selling out before you can complete your order as long as you complete your order within ten minutes. We will have more detailed information closer to the pre-sale date.


Can’t attend the show but still want to obtain these exclusives?

Fans who are unable to attend the show may purchase a special non-attendee merchandise access pass which will allow the holder to purchase up to one of each exclusive at the prices listed above PLUS shipping and handling which will be flat rates for domestic and international fans. Please note that we can’t control the price of shipping, especially the high cost of international shipping. Specific pricing on the exclusives with the shipping/handling included will be provided on August 15.

As a non-attendee merchandise access pass holder, you will also receive a physical merchandise access pass badge as a souvenir with your figures for supporting the convention, as well as a copy of the convention’s program and all ticket pre-order incentive items. Non-attendees will not be eligible for Power-Con t-shirt pre-orders.

  • Non-attendee merchandise access pass: $25


Note to all:The exclusive Masters of the Universe Classics figures are sold as-in with no returns or exchanges. All sales are final.


Power-Con T-Shirt Pre-Orders

The 2016 show will feature four different t-shirt designs similar to previous years, be available in a limited color selection, and available in adult sizes S-XXL. T-shirts will be PRE-ORDER ONLY and must be picked up at the convention; they will not be shipped. More information will be available soon.

Have more questions?
Be sure to click here and check out our FAQ post! We update it as more questions come in.

Continue to check out the Power-Con website for updates on guests, programming, and t-shirt orders! Be sure to subscribe to our mailing list to receive all this information and more right to your inbox!

The Fwoosh gang will be there live and in person, too!