Well, true believers, the results are in for the 2015 version of our annual top ten poll.
It was a very eventful vote this year as we set a record for number of voters and for the number of unique figures voted for. There were a whopping 459 figures that received votes. Two of last year’s top ten had figures made, or will shortly, so there were a couple of spots open.
There were quite a few characters who actually gained votes from last year but still went down a few rungs in the rankings. We also had some huge vote gainers who gathered enough new votes to jump up from nowhere all the way into the top ten. The Fantastic Four made a solid showing as each character made major gains in votes. None enough to reach the top ten, but, hey, we’re getting there.
So now that the voting has ended, and the results have been counted, it’s time for the debating, rejoicing, and crying to begin as we reveal the top ten winners!
At number ten is one of the big vote gainers. He went from 2 votes last year to snag 20 votes this year, which allows Moon Knight to make his first trip to the top ten results.
10. Moon Knight
Looks like his recent resurgence into the monthly Marvel Universe allowed him to gain some votes. Like many of the recent Hasbro redos, he’d be perfect on the Bucky/Black Panther body. That new white vision figure is screaming for a few new parts to get a really cool Marc Spector Moon Knight into our collections.
She may be number nine in the poll but she’s number one in my heart. She’s gone from kid, to young woman, to full-fledged leader of an X-team. She’s arguably the heart and soul of the X-Men:
9. Kitty Pryde
Kitty finished just outside last year’s poll, so it’s not a huge surprised she moved up. She’s long overdue for a proper figure. I’d be happy getting her on either the Spider Girl body or the new Scarlett Witch body. Just get it done, Hasbro!
Another X-lady makes the top ten for the first time. She’s been just outside the top ten for a few years, so a move up the ladder was in store for her too.
8. Dazzler
She has had so many costumes that I have no clue which one she would get made in. Disco, outback, punk, shield, look at my crotch, etc. I’d be super stoked to get a figure of Dazzler, though. Besides the punk look, I’d be cool with any of the other choices. Even the crotch highlighting one.
Number seven is the true shocker of the top ten for me. Although he had a respectable 11 votes last year, I was really surprised to see this guy here.
7. Whirlwind
Maybe because of the Ant Man movie and knowing that he was a foil of Pym and Wasp gets him some votes? Perhaps the Avengers Assemble appearance helped? No clue, but it’s pretty cool he’s here. He does fit in right along side the rest of B-list villains Hasbro has been cranking out, so this may actually be a strong candidate to get made.
Number six is no slouch in the Legends figure department. He’s had six different figures made of him in Legends, but it looks like he’s a popular choice for the Hasbro redo.
6. Cyclops
Most, well, actually almost all his votes were for either his classic ’70s and ’80s look or for his ’90s Jim Lee outfit. Both looks we have figures of, but, at the same time, both sorely needing to be redone. I’d definitely prefer to get his classic look, but I know there are plenty of fans whose Cyclops is the Lee version.
Starting the top five is a character who is a common member of this top ten vote. He’s been on numerous versions of the Avengers, and although he hasn’t popped up in the MCU yet, the fans want an updated figure of him.
5. Wonderman
Safari Jacket actually was the popular costume choice here, but I would have zero problems getting a redo of the ML figure we got on the old heavily textured ToyBiz Black Panther body. I’d even be down for the modern costume, which is still pretty close to his previous ML figure’s look. Make him on the new Grim Reaper body and it’d be perfect.
The number four vote-getter is the single most worthy character needing a figure, in my opinion. She has become a mainstay in the top ten and her votes climbed again this year.
4. Monica Rambeau
Captain Marvel, Photon, Pulsar, etc. — she’s had many names and costumes, but the character herself is well deserving of a figure. I’d prefer her Capt. Marvel/Photon look, but she needs to be made in some incarnation, pronto. She’s an Avenger, as well as a strong, noble hero who is long overdue for the Legends treatment.
The top three is a repeat of last year, but the order they finished in has changed. At number three is consistent top three finisher and another X-lady, who, like Monica Rambeau, has never had a figure made of her in Legends.
3. Polaris
This is the one character in the top ten that I really can’t see getting made any time soon even though it’s obvious she’d be pretty popular. Lack of X-Men movie tie-in figures and the fact that she has little to no ties with the Avengers really hurt her chances. She is the current leader of X-factor, though, so it’s not like she’s missing in action in the actual comics.
The defending two-time champ takes the second spot this year even though she gained three votes. Just shows how many gained votes some of the other top ten members gathered.
2. Enchantress
No-brainer, right? I mean, there’s another Thor movie coming in 2017, and she could always fit in an Avengers tie-in wave. She’d be minimal new tooling, and there are plenty of female bodies to pick from to make her. Although not my personal choice, I’d assume she would get made on the Valkyrie/Red Shulkie body. She’s either been numbers one or two on this list for quite some time, so the fans have shown there’s a strong want to get her in Legends.
And finally, at the number one spot and new champion is a character who has been in the top five every year. It feels like the top three stay the same, but people keep voting for them, and maybe this is the year Hasbro makes it happen.
1. Rogue
She finished third last year but gained 14 votes to vault her into the top spot. One of five X-characters in the top five, and another character who has received a figure previously, she’d be a great choice to sneak into a Legends wave. She’s been both an X-Man and an Avenger so there has to be some outlet to get her to us. As for costume, the Jim Lee outfit was the popular choice. I’d be really happy to see her in her modern green and white look, though.
For the Build-a-Figure, there was no surprise about the winner, but there was a surprise on how close it was.
Last year Lockjaw crushed all competition and won easily. This year he won by one single vote over Sauron, who I think got a huge push from the awesome custom figure at the Hasbro booth at SDCC. Regardless, I really think it’s just a matter of time before we finally get a figure of this pup. With the Inhumans movie coming, he has to be the Build-a-Figure for that wave, right? RIGHT?
And for the Fwoosher who voted for Zaran? More power to you, bud. You keep fighting the good fight.
Well, that’s it for another top ten voting session. Hopefully Hasbro gives us a couple figures of the top ten again this year. Did your top ten make it? Did your favorites not come close? Discuss it on the forums in the official thread here. Thanks for all your votes and see ya next year!
Full results
Rogue 49
Enchantress 47
Polaris 35
Monica Rambeau 31
Wonder Man 29
Cyclops 23
Whirlwind 22
Dazzler 21
Kitty Pryde 21
Moon Knight 20
Executioner 19
Quasar 17
Darkhawk 16
Jack Of Hearts 16
Count Nefaria 15
Multiple Man 15
Songbird 15
Storm 15
Tombstone 15
Cable 14
Havok 14
Nighthawk 14
Silver Samurai 14
Blink 13
High Evolutionary 13
Ms. Marvel [Kamala Khan] 13
Nightcrawler 13
Attuma 12
Beast 12
Firestar 12
Loki 12
Mr. Fantastic 12
Ronan 12
Colossus 11
Lady Dorma 11
Psylocke 11
Shang Chi 11
Shocker 11
X-23 11
Adam Warlock 10
Moondragon 10
The Hood 10
Apocalypse 9
Baron Mordo 9
Beetle 9
Crystal 9
Gambit 9
Human Torch 9
Mr. Hyde 9
Sif 9
Silver Surfer 9
Squirrel Girl 9
Thor (Jane Foster) 9
Doc Ock 8
Dracula 8
Jocasta 8
Punisher 8
Quicksilver 8
The Owl 8
Bullseye 7
Deadpool 7
Falcon 7
Graviton 7
Grey Gargoyle 7
Ice Man 7
Invisible Woman 7
Kate Bishop 7
Magneto 7
Mandarin 7
Mantis 7
Northstar 7
Sunfire 7
Wolfsbane 7
Blade 6
Cardiac 6
Daredevil [Netflix Red] 6
Firelord 6
Gladiator [Daredevil] 6
Gorgon 6
Old Man Logan 6
Phoenix 6
Snowbird 6
Angela 5
Daredevil [Netflix armor] 5
Deathbird 5
Emma Frost (Modern) 5
Green Goblin 5
Jackal 5
Molecule Man 5
Puma 5
Scorpion 5
Spider man [TOEI Japanese Supaidāman] 5
Stepford Cuckoo 5
Stingray 5
Thing 5
Thor [classic] 5
Typhoid Mary (Classic) 5
White Rabbit 5
Aurora 4
Beta Ray Bill 4
Black Knight 4
Black Widow 4
Blue Marvel 4
Captain America (Sam Wilson) 4
Coleen Wing 4
Crimson Dymano 4
Domino 4
Howard The Duck 4
Hyperion [black and gold] 4
Kaine 4
Karnak 4
Mephisto 4
Mr Sinister [Classic] 4
Mr. Sinister 4
Namor [Classic] 4
Nate Grey [Classic] 4
Nebula 4
Night Thrasher 4
Quasar [Phyla-Vell] 4
Rom 4
Sebastian Shaw 4
Silk 4
Speedball 4
Sunspot 4
Thunderbird 4
Titania 4
Triton [Classic] 4
Vision [Movie] 4
War Machine 4
Wizard 4
Wolverine (Brown and Tan) 4
Yellow Jacket 4
Arcade 3
Bug 3
Bushwacker 3
Daisy Johnson (MCU Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.) 3
Death’s Head [Classic] 3
Deathlok 3
Doctor Spectrum 3
Doppelganger [Classic] 3
Electro [Classic] 3
Gamora 3
Gargoyle 3
Hand Ninja 3
Ikari 3
Kingpin 3
Lady Bullseye 3
Lilandra 3
Lilith (Ghosrt Rider´s foe) 3
Living Laser 3
Loki [Female] 3
Luke Cage 3
Magus 3
Mastermind 3
Maverick 3
Moonstar 3
Moonstone (Dark Avengers) 3
Nick Fury [Earth 616] 3
Nico Minoru 3
Phyla Vell 3
Pixie 3
Prowler 3
Psycho Man 3
Purple Man 3
Sandman 3
Scarlet Witch [MCU] 3
Shaman 3
Spider Man [Noir] 3
Starfox 3
Stilt Man 3
The Wizard 3
Ulik 3
Ultron [Classic] 3
X-Man (90s) 3
A-bomb 2
Banshee 2
Baron Wolfgang Von Strucker 2
Barracuda 2
Black Tarantula 2
Blazing Skull 2
Calypso 2
Citizen V 2
Clea 2
Cosmo 2
Daredevil (Netflix First Costume) 2
Dark Phoenix 2
Destiny 2
Dr. Nemesis 2
Echo 2
Electra 2
Goblin Queen 2
Hogan 2
Hulk [Lou Ferrigno] 2
Hydro Man 2
Kylun 2
Lady Deathstrike 2
Lizard 2
Maggot 2
Magik [Classic] 2
Malekeith 2
Marrow 2
Mary Jane 2
Miracleman 2
Molly Hayes 2
Morph 2
Ms. Marvel [Classic suit] 2
Nightmare 2
Peggy Carter 2
Puppet Master 2
Quentin Quire 2
Rage 2
Random (X-Factor character) 2
Sauron 2
Sleepwalker 2
Spitfire 2
Surge 2
Talisman 2
Tigra 2
Vision [original costume] 2
Watcher 2
Whiplash [Ivan Vanko Comic] 2
Wolverine [Tiger Stripe] 2
Wong 2
Wraith [modern] 2
Abigail Brand 1
Adam-X The X-treme 1
Agent Brand 1
Agent Zero 1
Ai Apaec [Dark Spider-Man II] 1
Air Walker 1
Airwalker [Gabriel Lan] 1
American Dream 1
Anaconda 1
Angel 1
Anole 1
Ant Man [Classic Hank Pym] 1
Ant-Man (Marvel Now) 1
Arachne 1
Archangel [Dark Angel] 1
Ares (Dark Avengers) 1
Arkon 1
Armadillo 1
Armor 1
Azazel 1
Balder 1
Bastion 1
Binary 1
Black Out [Classic] 1
Black Panther 1
Black Queen [Selene] 1
Black Tom 1
Bloodscream 1
Boomerang [Classic] 1
Bruce Banner [Bill Bixby] 1
Cannonball 1
Captain Britain 1
Captain Marvel [Classic] 1
Carrion 1
Cassandra Nova 1
Catseye 1
Chamber 1
Cobra 1
Copy Cat 1
Cosmic Spiderman 1
Crimson Cowl II (Female) 1
Crossfire 1
Cyber 1
Dante 1
Dark Beast 1
Darkstar 1
Death Adder 1
Debrii 1
Delilah 1
Diablo 1
Diamondback 1
Doctor Druid 1
Dormammu [Classic] 1
Dr. Bong 1
Dr. Doom [Secret Wars] 1
Dragonfly 1
Drax [Classic] 1
Dreadknight 1
dreadnaught 1
Dum Dum Dugan [Classic] 1
Dusk 1
Eddie Brock 1
Elektra 1
Elsa Bloodstone [Nextwave] 1
Ex Nihilo 1
Exodus 1
Fandral 1
Fixx 1
Forge 1
Frenzy 1
Ghost Rider (90s) 1
Ghost Rider [Robbie Reyes] 1
Goldballs 1
Gorr The God Butcher 1
Grandmaster 1
Guardian 1
Gwen Stacy [Silver Age] 1
Hank Pym [Dr. Pym] 1
Heimdall 1
Hellfire Guard 1
Hellstorm 1
Hercules [’80s] 1
Hobgoblin [Classic Roderick Kingsley] 1
Hornet 1
Hulk (Grey McFarlane) 1
Hulkling [Modern w/Wings] 1
Impossible Man 1
Iron Man [Classic] 1
Iron Man [Heroes Return] 1
Iron Man [Modular Armor] 1
iron man [superior] 1
Iron Man 2020 [Arno Stark] 1
Isaiah Bradley [Black Captain America] 1
Jack Flag 1
Jarella 1
Jarvis [Avengers butler] 1
Jean Grey [White Phoenix] 1
Jean Grey Phoenix 1
Jessica Jones 1
Jigsaw 1
Joystick 1
Jubilee (Jim lee) 1
Juggernaut 1
Justice 1
Killraven 1
King Cobra 1
Krule 1
Kurse [Comic] 1
Lady Mastermind 1
Lady Spider [Spider Verse] 1
Layla Miller (Old and Young 2 Pack) 1
Lion Heart 1
Lockjaw 1
Mach V 1
Mad Thinker 1
Madame Hydra 1
Madelyne Pryor [modern] 1
Magma 1
Major Victory 1
Man Ape 1
Mania 1
Marvel Boy [Robert Grayson] 1
marvel girl (X factor) 1
Master Mold BAF (silver age Kirby design) 1
Meggan 1
Mimic 1
Mindless One 1
Miss America 1
Morg 1
Mr. Fixit 1
Ms. Marvel [Karla Sofen] 1
Mysterio 1
Mystique 1
Namorita 1
Nekra 1
Nightshade [Tilda Johnson] 1
Nova [Sam Alexander] 1
Odinson (with alternate head and arm to create young Thor) 1
Omega Sentinel 1
Paladin 1
Penance 1
Pete Wisdom 1
Peter Parker [modern] 1
Power man [Victor Alvarez] 1
Princess Power 1
Prodigy 1
Rachael Summers (Hound version) 1
Rachel Summers (Future Askani) 1
Red King 1
redhead] 1
Ricochet 1
Roughhouse 1
Ruby Summers 1
Sage 1
Screaming Mimi 1
Scrier 1
Sersi 1
Shatterstar 1
She-Hulk [modern] 1
She-Thing 1
Shield Agent 1
Shriek 1
Silver Sable 1
Sin 1
Singularity 1
Siryn [90s X-Force] 1
Slapstick 1
Smythe 1
Son of Satan 1
Space Phantom 1
Spider-Man (Six Arms) 1
Spider-Man [Armored] 1
Spider-man [Bagley] 1
Spiderman [Black Costume] 1
Spider-Man [Captain Universe] 1
Spider-Man [Romita] 1
Spider-man [symbiote] 1
Spiderman [titanium armor] 1
Spiderwoman [Julia Carpenter] 1
Star Brand 1
Stardust 1
Stature 1
Stegron 1
Steve Rodgers [modern old-man version] 1
Sun girl 1
Super Skrull 1
Swarm 1
Swordsman 1
Tabitha Smith [Nextwave] 1
Taskmaster [Classic] 1
Terror Inc. 1
Tessa (X-men, Destiny´s chronicles) 1
Thane 1
The Brothers Grimm 1
The Captain [Nextwave] 1
The Collector 1
THE DESTROYER [Classic ’40’s] 1
The Gorgon 1
The Jackal 1
The Mandarin 1
The Prowler 1
The Rose 1
The Whizzer 1
Thor (Eric Masterson) 1
thor [odinson] 1
Thor [Unworthy Thor] 1
Trapster 1
T-Ray 1
Trevor/Mandrin (MCU Iron Man 3) 1
Turner D. Century 1
Umar 1
Venom ]Thunderbolts] 1
Vindicator 1
Volstagg 1
Vulcan 1
Vulture 1
Warlock [New Mutants] 1
White Queen (Uncanny X-Men) 1
White Tiger [Hector Ayala] 1
Wiccan 1
Winter Soldier 1
Wolverine [Earth-10005] 1
X-Cutioner 1
Yondu 1
Zaran 1
Lockjaw 14
Sauron 13
Kingpin 8
Titanium Man [Classic] 7
Nimrod 6
Mr. Hyde 5
Stature 5
Dr. Octopus 4
Juggernaut 4
Shuma Gorath 4
Supreme Intelligence 4
Surtur 4
Ulik 4
Eternity 3
Executioner 3
Ghost Rider’s Bike 3
Stilt Man 3
Strong Guy 3
Bullet 2
Colossus (Juggernaut) 2
Dragon Man 2
Griffin 2
Psycho Man 2
Sandman [Swappable Parts] 2
Apocalypse 1
Black Goliath 1
Cameron Hodge [X-Tinction Agenda] 1
Celestial 1
Champion of the Universe 1
Darkchylde [Marvel NOW] 1
Destroyer Armor 1
Devil Dinosaur 1
Doppelganger 1
Dragon Man 1
Future Sentinel [XM:DoFP] 1
Gorgon 1
Hemingway 1
Hulk [Classic] 1
Hulk [Modern] 1
Hulkling [winged] 1
Hydra Brute [Iron Man and Captain America – Heroes Untied] 1
Kang 1
Korvac 1
Living Tribunal [BAF] 1
Master Mold 1
Me [with my cat] 1
Mephisto 1
Mimic [Exiles] 1
Mr. Hyde 1
Sasquatch 1
Sentinel 1
Skaar 1
Smart Hulk 1
Spider-Ham 1
Spider-Slayer [Mk II; swappable JJJ and Smythe faceplates/heads] 1
Squirrel Girl 1
Stegron 1
The Void 1
ultimo 1
Volstagg 1
Wolfsbane 1
Zzax 1
Golaith [Erik Josten]