I’m so excited! It’s raining Hulks! Hallelujah! Amen! S.H. Figuarts recently released their The Avengers: Age of Ultron Hulk, and now Figma is finally getting around to releasing theirs. I haven’t been this excited about a Hulk in a long time. Fwoosh’s review of S.H. Figuarts Hulk is on the way, and this is the perfect lead-in. Standing 21cm tall, this figure will be 8 1/2 inches. That will put him an inch taller than the already magnificent 7 and 1/2 inch tall S.H. Figuarts Hulk! And look at him standing next to Figma Iron Man (who is perfect).
No preorder information at this time, but rest assured there will be soon.
(Thanks to studmuffin on the Fwoosh forums for linking this picture.)