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Articulated Icons: we’re listening


(previous torso on the left, revised torso on the right)

A few of you have mentioned not being a fan of the ninjas upper torso, how the gi was open more then you’d like.

Our plans for this upper torso on other figures that have yet to be shown utilize the ability of the neck being able to be painted as exposed flesh.

We heard your concerns and upon our design team actually reviewing the paint masters in hand we agreed that revising the upper torso to be more tightly closed, exposing less chest and softening the neck anatomy slightly in order to be more aesthetically pleasing and still function for all of what we have planned was the right decision.

We’ve also decided that the basic ninjas will have the traditional ninja toe tabi boots that were previously only going to come on the deluxes. The sandal feet are still going to be utilized for some of those other figures we keep hinting at. The deluxe will still have the unique belt and shins in addition to the ridiculous amount of accessories previously shown. Keep your eyes here for more updated images throughout the week.

We’re fully committed to making the best possible ninja action figures that we possibly can and we want to extend our gratitude to you all for your interest and passion for what we’ve shown thus far!