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Hasbro: Ant-Man Marvel Legends Infinite Giant-Man and Wasp

Hasbro Antman Marvel Legends Infinite Giant-Man Wasp Featured

Short and sweet. New Wasp and Giant-Man. Lots of reuse, but it makes for awesome figures for the shelf.

Get it? Short and sweet.

I’m doubling up here because it makes sense. It’s Giant-Man and Wasp. I got into Avengers after the whole Yellowjacket thing, so I missed all that. To me, Hank and Janet were a couple, or separated and working things out. I skipped around a lot with Avengers. Their powers complement each other. It just seemed like a good fit, so here they are.

For the packaging, you got it. Box. Plastic. Open. Forget.

Hank comes on the Bucky body. The paints are great with the lines, but it’s a little light on the black in places. I can see red here and there. Easy fix-up if it bugs you. In my case, I really had to look so it doesn’t bother me too much.

The head is all new and captures Pym fairly nicely. The antenna were stuck down to the top of the head out of the package but are easy to reposition. They are a softer plastic that plugs into the head itself. I was worried about the plug being noticeable or the antenna being wonky, but neither came about.

Hasbro Antman Marvel Legends Infinite Giant-Man Close


I was happy to discover that this reuse of the Bucky body didn’t have any of the problems we saw with Machine Man, Batroc, or Zemo. The whole thing is nice and tight and sturdy. Absolutely no wobble to the hips, everything lines up nicely. Yay!

I really like the Giant-Man costume and I’m happy to have it, but out of these two I like Wasp more and it shows. When I uploaded my pics I realized I had way more of Janet. She’s just more dynamic with the wings, I guess.

She’s a reuse of Storm and Hellcat, but the head and upper torso are both new here. The torso looks pretty much the same on the front, but the back has added pegs to accommodate the wings. So maybe it’s just a new back piece? Either way, it works.

Yeah, they are heavy and makes her prone to fall back, but dang do they look great. They come as four separate pieces in the package so there is a little assembly required. No worries, it’s easy and self-explanatory. The main wings plug into the body on hinge and swivel joints, and then the lower wings have pins to plug into holes in the upper wings. So you’re getting quite a bit of movement.

The other new part, the head, is a nice sculpt and represents Wasp well. It may be slightly large from some angles, but it’s nothing terrible. For those of you thinking about transplanting to the Spider-Girl body to use as either a Mayday Parker or a smaller Wasp body, you’re out of luck — it’s too big for that smaller body. I do that switch in my video review of these two figures.

These two aren’t overly exciting but I feel we needed them. They are excellent updates to figures that fell short in the past. But, man, does this normal-size Giant-Man make be wish the Build-A-Figure for this wave was a giant Giant-Man, and then that a tiny Wasp came with Wasp. Movie Ant-Man got a tiny version of himself AND a Yellowjacket. AND an ant. Budget, I guess.

Hasbro Antman Marvel Legends Infinite Giant-Man Wasp 1