JimPansen Creations makes excellent custom kits for use with your Masters of the Universe figures. These kits can upgrade existing figures or help create brand new characters. Today we look at a kit that can transform your MOTUC Dekker figure into a Merciless Monk!
The kit comes with the head sculpt and the blade/chain weapon (the bandoleer seen in these pics is some custom fodder I added).
Both are cast in solid plastic and both sculpts are nicely detailed. I especially like the sculpt of the massive beard on the Monk and the crazy bushy eyebrows. The blade/chain weapon is really neat.
The handle has a curved shape to it that makes me think of a hand-carved, polished wooden axe handle.
The blade looks appropriately sharp and slightly damaged and features some really cool symbols etched into the “metal”
The ball and chain portion sports a nice real metal chain and adds a completely unique feel to the weapon.
The head pops onto your Dekker figure with no fuss or muss to immediately create a cool new character with no customizing skill required.
The paint work from JimPansen Creations is top-notch with bold colors that match the figure and some subtle shading. It fits right in with the MOTUC figure. My favorite part of the paint is the excellent forehead tattoo/facepainting. The symbol is nice and clear.
You could order an unpainted head as well if you would like to match the colors to another body or maybe create an older monk or customize it to a character more to your liking.
I can’t recommend this one enough.
I love the shelf presence this Monk character has with zero customizing.
I think I may do an original color scheme and add some beads or a robe of some kind to finish off the “Monk” effect, but it looks so nice to me just on an unpainted Dekker, I may keep it like this.
A Warrior Monk is such a cool genre staple, so it’s nice to add one to my MOTUC world.
Hit up JimPansen Creations on Facebook for pricing and ordering details.