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Funko: Legacy Game of Thrones Jaime Lannister

Jaime Lannister_01We wrap up our look back at series 2 of Funko’s Game of Thrones Legacy figures with my personal favorite. Jaime Lannister. Jaime’s look has changed quite a bit over the course of the series, but this figure does a great job at capturing Jaime at the peak of his powers and arrogance. Let’s take a closer look at Jaime Lannister!

Jaime Lannister_02Accessories

Jaime comes with a sword that fits in the scabbard attached to his hip and that’s it.

Jaime Lannister_03The sword has a pretty sharp sculpt and you can make out the lion’s head detail on the pommel.

Jaime Lannister_08It’s a nice accessory, but I feel like an alternate head sculpt of either a different character or the King’s guard helmet would have pushed this figure over the top.


As always with this line, the outfit and armor are exquisitely detailed and sharply sculpted.

Jaime Lannister_09The head sculpt is so great and perfectly captures Jaime’s smarmy, self-important smugness. The only issue is that the hands are sculpted closed, so I had to cut the open to get the swords in and out of his hands.

Jaime Lannister_10Since he is in his King’s Guard uniform and that uniform includes a helm, I would have loved to see that included.

Jaime Lannister_12Failing that, an alternate head sculpt of, say, Ser Barristan Selmy or Meryn Trant would have been cool.

Jaime Lannister_13The good price inspired me to buy some extras and do some quick, easy head swaps to make my own King’s Guard.

Jaime Lannister_14Paint

I love the paint on this guy. The wash in his hair highlights the detail and gives it the right sandy blonde color appropriate for Jaime.

Jaime Lannister_15The golds are nice and the white detail is cleanly applied on the armor. There are a couple of white details missing, which I didn’t notice at first, but is a little disappointing.

Jaime Lannister_16Articulation

Jaime has the following articulation:

  • Ball-and-socket neck and torso
  • Swivel/hinged shoulders, hips, elbows, wrists, and ankles
  • Double-hinged knees
  • Swivel hips

The neck has great range of motion, and, in combination with the sculpt, the figure gets some nice “acting” poses. The hips are slightly limited by the skirt, unfortunately.

Jaime Lannister_17Overall

The figure is a great representation of this character and makes for a great-looking and fun to pose knight figure.

Jaime Lannister_18The only thing I’m missing here is the helmet. The cheap prices on Amazon and Target have inspired me to pick up some more and my army building would be much easier if they had included that helmet.

Jaime Lannister_19I realize that’s probably just a “me” thing, but it would have made this great figure amazing for me.

Jaime Lannister_20 Jaime Lannister_21 Jaime Lannister_22 Jaime Lannister_23 Jaime Lannister_24 Jaime Lannister_25 Jaime Lannister_26 Jaime Lannister_27