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Hasbro: Marvel Legends Infinite Guardians of the Galaxy Exclusive Box Mock-up

Hasbro Marvel Legends Infinite Series Guardians of the Galaxy Box Set Featured

Old news by now, but it wouldn’t be Fwoosh if we didn’t throw our own opinions into the ring.

First of all, I don’t have any official information. I’ve heard this set is going to be $120. I’ve heard that it may be a Toys R Us exclusive, and that it may be an Entertainment Earth exclusive. I’ve seen these pictures. Aaaand, that’s about it. But I can ramble on about how the figure mock-

ups look and what we have in store on that front.

Hasbro Marvel Legends Infinite Series Guardians of the Galaxy Box Set 1


Star Lord looks to be all reuse. The only big difference seems to be the brown boots. This is okay since he was a bit tricky to get, being a SDCC exclusive last year.

Rocket and Groot are a lot of reuse. Both sport new, more comic accurate heads but reuse the bodies of their previous releases. Both were Build-A-Figures so again, some people may have passed on these the first time around. It’s kind of a bummer that Rocket didn’t get some retooling to throw some articulated knees in to the mix.

Upon first glance I thought Drax was the original comic Drax but thankfully he’s not. I always hated how small and scrawny the first ML comic version was. This Drax looks to be using the Radioactive Man head, or some variation of it, and the Hyperion/Radioactive Man torso and upper arms. The gauntlets look like Stryfe’s. From the waist down I’m going to guess the movie GOTG Drax, since it looks like there are knives sticking up from the side of his boots.

Gamora, at least for me, is the most exciting. A good comic version in a costume I didn’t expect to get in action figure form. She’s hard to see in both pics but I think she’s on the Moonstone body with a new head and cape. And maybe a hood?

Accessories include Drax’s knives that are reuse from Warpath, Gamora’s big honkin’ sword that used to belong to the ML Black Knight, Star Lord’s pistols, and Rocket’s gun with the missile on top. I can’t place the smaller rifle but the bigger one is Coulson’s Destroyer gun. The back of the box shows movie Drax’s boot knives but I can’t see them on the inside mock-up.

And then of course, baby Groot. I don’t have this even though it’s been released twice before, so yay!

Hasbro Marvel Legends Infinite Series Guardians of the Galaxy Box Set


I’m happy with the way this is looking. We’ve already been getting our wallets slaughtered this year on the Marvel Legends front, and there is still another Avengers and Spider-Man wave coming soon, so why not continue the trend with a big ol’ box set?  I already have the Quill and Rocket but I’ll be happy to get this for the needed upgrade to Drax, an awesome Gamora, and a different version of Groot. This set will definitely have it’s own place in the display, away from the movie versions of the GOTG. I don’t know if I’m too content with the rumored $120 price tag but I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it.

More info as it comes along.