I was already wanting a good figure of Daredevil’s black costume from the Netflix series and these customs just seal the deal.
I know the costume is based on the comic but I never had an interest until I saw the hallway scene. You know which one I’m talking about. The single shot scene where Matt Scooby Doos in and out of the doorways fighting Russians Drunken Master style. to save the kidnapped kid. After that and the other fight scenes I started thinking about what pieces I could use to make my own. Now I don’t have to since these guys knocked them out of the park. I’m going to weave in some other nice Marvel Legends customs as to not give you awesome Daredevil overload.
First Daredevil up is from that Glenn Webb guy. Everyone knows Glenn, and if you don’t you should check out his gallery here at the Fwoosh or his YouTube channel.
Another Fwoosh, thor333us, has a beautiful Gambit up. You can check out his gallery here.
The second Netflix Daredevil I ran across features just a straight up Bucky Cap body but it still works.
I know a lot of people don’t like the new design for Thompson’s Guardians of the Galaxy Venom suit. I’m partial to the Agent Venom suit too but I’m warming up to the new design and this custom nails it.
Speaking of Guardians of the Galaxy, here’s a nice movie style Yondu. The head is slightly big and the costume isn’t exactly movie accurate but it works.
The third Netflix Daredevil uses some parts I don’t recognize right off the bat but the torso I do recognize. A little too buff for Murdock but the overall piece still ties together nicely. Poor Xavier.
Change gears! Almost Marvel Legends but not quite. This Snake Eyes makes me foam at the mouth for a 6 inch G.I. Joe line.
It wouldn’t be an eBay Frenzy without a Deadpool and this one is sweeeet!
thor333us shows us what can be done with leftover fodder with his AIM Scientist Supreme.
The fourth and final Netflix Daredevil is by Bee Customs. I absolutely love how the head is slightly tilted in these pics, giving a sense that he’s listening more than looking. If I had one nit it would be the silver kneepads but the whole figure kicks ass.
When I ran across this next custom I clicked on it because of the color. I don’t know the character but even without that knowledge this custom rocks. The paint and sculpting are subtle and everything ties together fantastically. I now know that he’s a Spider-Man character but that doesn’t change anything. I love this Raptor.
Finally, something that isn’t Marvel or Legends but cool yet disturbing. I don’t follow the Amiibo circuit. I have a vague idea what it is. Pikachu as Joker is not an idea I would have expected. But the watercolor type paint job and the additional sculpt makes it something that I would actually pick up if it were a retail figure. Creepy awesome.
Try to sleep after that being burned into your brain.