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DC Collectibles: New 52 Stargirl

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With DC Collectibles New 52 line winding down, what better time to look back at one of the overlooked figures of the line: Stargirl. Created by Geoff Johns in 1999 (based on his sister Courtney, who died in the explosion of TWA Flight 800), Courtney Whitmore was initially known as the Star Spangled Kid. After joining the Justice Society of America and given Starman’s cosmic staff, Courtney changed her name and identity to Stargirl.

With that, we conclude our comic book history lesson for today.

The figure, released in November of 2014, is a pretty faithful interpretation of the character as she appears in the pages of the New 52. No shorts here. Nope. That’s pre-New 52. We’re talking New 52 pants. Courtney still has the bare midriff, though. I guess you can only make so much progress.

Overall, Stargirl’s got a nice sculpt to her. Her hair, while fairly yellow, is designed well. You can give her head a good turn in both directions without the hair stopping the range of motion. Her face has a nice sculpt too. Although, she does suffer from that creepy-eye look that the Supergirl figure is victim of too. I don’t know if it’s a “dead eye” stare or a “too real looking” stare. Either way, it’s a touch creepy. See for yourself:

Courtney’s as articulate as you’ve come to expect from the New 52 line. She’s got ball joints in her shoulders and pivot joints in her biceps and wrists, giving her arms a nice range of motion. She doesn’t turn at the waist, though. To make up for that, DC Collectibles gave her a pivot joint in her shin/boots so you can give her a more of a “posey” pose.

As far as accessories go, Stargirl comes packed with former Starman, Jack Knight’s cosmic staff. It’s not much, but the New 52 line has always been a bit light in the accessories department.

Overall Stargirl’s a completely adequate figure. Nothing to write home about, but something you’ll probably regret not getting once she sells out. So save yourself the trouble. She’s still available to order through your local comic shop or through online retailers.

You know the unrelenting completist in you wants her.


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