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DC Collectibles: Greg Capullo Designer Series Catwoman

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DC Collectibles Designer figures line continues to plug along with Selina Kyle herself — the Catwoman. Based on the stellar artwork of Greg Capullo and sculpted by long-time DC Collectibles artist Jonathan Matthews, Catwoman is a nice addition to the Designer line.

Matthews’ sculpting continues to be top notch, right in line with the rest of the Capullo figures he’s sculpted. From the ring of her costume’s zipper to the buckles on her boots, you can’t go wrong with the attention to detail.

Another cool little touch? Her hands. While her right hand is sculpted sorta closed (at least opened enough for her to hold her enclosed whip), Selina’s left hand is molded into an open claw, catlike and all, hence the name “Catwoman.”

The detailing on the rest of her costume is impressive as well. Sure, it’s just a black costume, amiright? How can you go wrong? Easily, but that’s a story for another time. Catwoman’s costume, though? There are folds and creases around her shoulders and her back. In her boots, too. It gives the figure a realistic look.

Per her costume in the comics, Catwoman’s also wearing high heels, which usually is the kiss of death for free-standing poses. Surprisingly, though, she actually stands quite well without support. I was able to put her in a few different poses and she managed to stay upright without the help of a stand or any kind of tacky wax trickery.

The articulation on Catwoman is pretty typical for DC Collectibles. She’s got all the standard moves of their female figures, plus the nice swivel joint in her thigh and her boots as well as in her gloves.

For some reason, I thought that her goggles were removable, or that you could at least move them up from her face, but they’re neither, which wouldn’t be too bad, I suppose, but they’re painted this opaque shiny gold color, which I’m not really crazy about.

The weirdest part of the figure, though, is her nose… her nostrils, to be exact, actually. Believe you me, I know is a weird thing to point out, but it’s kinda hard not to miss. The inside of her nostrils are a tad too red (I’d say it was almost the same color of her lips, if not the exact same color), making her look like she’s either got a cocaine problem or a really bad head cold.

She’s also a little light on accessories; the only thing she comes with is her trademarked whip (you throw me the idol, I throw you the whip), but what are you gonna do? It’s not like the lack of accessories is gonna stop you (or me) from buying the figure.

DC Collectibles Greg Capullo Designer series Catwoman retails for $24.99 and is available right now.


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