Over the years I’ve come to enjoy the toys that you really shouldn’t be collecting. Not because they are bad, or evil, or don’t fit some societal norm; nah, the ones I’m talking about are the ones that are so self indulgent that you can’t say no to them.
This year it is Threezero’s Titanfall Atlas from the game makers Respawn for Microsoft platforms. The game is an insane mix of mech’s, first person shoot ’em up and alien warfare. There are 3 primary mechs that you can pilot in the game, Atlas, Ogre, and Stryder. Atlas is shown here and Stryder is announced as the next mech coming from Threezero.
Atlas is the main mech in the game according to my son, who plays the game and bought this toy. Yes, he saved and earned every cent over the last year, not spending a dime and asking how he could earn money in order to buy this toy, saving birthday money, money found in the parking lot etc. Yes, that dedicated to the toys. His excitement at getting the big ass box from BigBadToyStore today was not only infectious but inspirational, it made me want to save up money and buy something like this. Or maybe I’ll just steal this instead, I’m certain that I can find a reason to take it away, right?
Someday, another mech will come along that I’ll want to buy, but for now I’ll bask in the enjoyment of my son’s action figure. I haven’t had time to play with the toy yet and I think I’ll save a more in-depth review for later when I can take this bot out into the wild and snap some pics. I have some shots set up in my head.
My first impression is that this is an amazing toy. Simply a design and engineering wet dream, there are so many moving parts, so many poses (oh the articulation), and the figure is simply amazing. This 1/12, six inch scale, figure is a marvel to behold and play with. The opening hatches, pilot’s seat, colored lights, it’s too much. Way too much toy. It leaves me wanting more, it leaves me wanting to build a giant diorama for it. And soldiers, god do I want to army build.
This isn’t a toy for everyone, it’s huge, I mean like over twenty inches tall and takes up a huge amount space, and it’s expensive. I’m still reeling from the fact that this is in my house.