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Orsogranito Custom Figure Stand

Orsogranito Horde Trooper Stand_01Orsogranito has produced quite a few custom supplementary items for Masters of the Universe Classics line including the Lord Hound Custom, Kobold and Gnoll warrior custom kits that help customizers create brand new characters for their Masters collections. Today we take a look at a newer item – the Battle Damaged Horde Trooper figure stand.

Orsogranito Horde Trooper Stand_02There was a time where including some kind of figure stand or mini-diorama piece was a standard action figure packaging practice.

Orsogranito Horde Trooper Stand_03The packaging used to weigh a ton on those old Marvel Legends due to the large Build-a-Figure pieces, flight stands and bases. Sadly those days are over, but this piece from Orsogranito reminded me of those bygone days.

This is a big solid hunk of resin that has a heft to it and a nice size. The stand incorporates the body of a very battle damaged Horde trooper laying amongst some nicely sculpted rocks. The piece definitely tells a story and creates a scene effectively.

It works well as a stand, with some solid metal pegs meant for MOTUC figures to plug into, but I also like it as a backdrop or foreground element for pictures. The paint job on this stand is nice and detailed.

Orsogranito Horde Trooper Stand_12A great side-effect on this item is that it adds to your Horde Trooper displays. The Horde Trooper was notoriously tough to get a hold of in larger quantities (partially due to army builders like myself I’m sure).

Orsogranito Horde Trooper Stand_13Now I’m a fan of posing Horde Troopers strewn about, as though defeated in battle, so this stand is perfect for my needs.

Orsogranito Horde Trooper Stand_14If you are interested in purchasing a Batttle Damaged Horde Trooper stand (painted or unpainted), contact Orsogranito on Facebook for pricing (check the “about” section) and ordering information.

Orsogranito Horde Trooper Stand_15

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