Disclaimer: Mezco has revealed at least a dozen licenses that fall under the purview of the One:12 Collective line. That’s going to keep them busy for a while. And people broke for a while too. But that doesn’t stop that damn imagination machine from running.
I can hear the internet all the way from over here. “ANOTHER Wishlist? OMG. Fwoosh iz teh worzt.” And so on. Let me offer some perspective where this line is concerned: As of right now, there is only one figure making it’s way to the masses, and a couple more confirmed, excluding variants. That means as far as possibilities and potentials go, this line is about as wide open as they get. And while there are a lot of properties under this tent, most– with the exception of ensemble rosters like DC, Mortal Kombat, and Star Trek– are small run properties that would scarcely fill a Legends wave or two. While that’s plenty for a line that’s looking like a quarterly issue at the moment, I think it’s not out of the question that the pace could quicken with increasing interest. Lastly, while not exactly my stated intent, there’s always the chance of some other upstart wanting a Collective-style line of their own, so there’s that.
Whew. That’s a lot of exposition for a wishlist, but hey, it cuts down on time wasted commenting the obvious below, right?
So anyway, this list comprises my top five picks for licenses that don’t belong to Hasbro. Because like everybody else, I can’t help but think of 1/12 Hot Toys-esque Marvel, GI Joe and Star Wars figures, but those licenses aren’t exactly up for grabs. So, in no particular order:
1. Metal Gear Solid
Complete shock, right? Well too bad. As I have delved into in great detail before, Metal Gear hasn’t had a real 6″ action figure line since the McFarlane days. But that doesn’t mean it hasn’t had some real success with Medicom and Play Arts in the larger scales, and a surprising amount of cottage industry-type work in 12″ scale. MGS has a big, if not particularly huge, roster, and a lot of that involves boys and girls in uniform. And that’s where cloth goods on action figures begins.
2. Resident Evil
Another game property that has had a chance a bat a few times over the years, Resident Evil has the misfortune of never getting a particularly good action figure line. NECA has been (and may still be) the holder of this license, but it seems like they never quite know what to do with it, and it has certainly reaped little benefit from the more articulated style they use today. When the best action figure came from Operation: Raccoon City, you know something’s not right.
3. Harry Potter
Now to counter MGS with one that I have literally no stake in, whatsoever. But, not unlike Star Trek or Hanna-Barberra properties, I recognize a devoted fandom and worthy contender when I see it. Harry Potter has taken some time to simmer after 8 movies, 7 books, and a dozen video games, but the following is as cultish as ever. And like the other two, this is a line that really could benefit from cloth robes, uniforms, and detail-oriented accessories. Dunno if it’s something I would go for personally, but I’m a drop in the bucket compared to the Hogwart’s Legions.
4. Spawn
A generation ago, Todd McFarlane shook the comic industry up something fierce with Al Simmons. It wasn’t because it was necessarily ground-breaking (it wasn’t), or particularly unique (wasn’t), it was because it was done with style. And Spawn, in many ways, was the granddaddy of the 6″ action figure as we know it today. Obviously, we know where this particular license it housed these days, but it’s been almost a decade since the man who built the house of McFarlane has made a toy appearance. And somebody needs to do that beast red cape in fabric, once and for all.
5. Hellboy
And to finish it off with a safe choice, I would sincerely love to see Mezco dance with the one that brought them, at least for one more figure. With some of the best movie figures of any franchise, and the absolutely most artist-accurate plastic ever attempted in the style of Mike Mignola, Mezco has done plenty of justice for the BPRD. But one more time around, with his trenchcoat, a BPRD t-shirt and a cigar smoking head, and he could proudly joint the Batman/Judge Dredd crossover soon to be in progress at my house.
I left a lot out, trying to stay at 5. I do have to give an honorable mention to Dick Tracy, because if it weren’t for that damn wizard kid, he would’ve easily been on here. See you in the comments!