It never fails, I put up a magazine scan and Bandai releases official promotional shots and info on their S.H. Figuarts Jedi Luke Skywalker. That’s okay, he sure is pretty!
Luke is set to release August ’15 and will run you about $50. He comes with interchangeable hands, heads, faces, and an unmasked old man Anakin head that goes with the Darth Vader figure. Like most S.H. Figuarts he’ll be slightly smaller than 1:12 scale at 5.5 inches but like I said in the previous article, maybe you’re down for a Star Wars line in a slightly smaller scale? Bandai looks to be off to a good start with Vader, Stormtroopers, and now Jedi Luke, who is a character that is kind of a surprise given that most of the overseas companies are sticking with the armored types and droids. It’s a welcome surprise though.