One of the most innovative and prolific voices in the diorama-building community of late is E.J. Worley. Be it the streets of 21st century Gotham or the hellish pre-history of 50,000 BC, E.J. has built a diorama around it. We were lucky enough to ask him a few questions and get a look his work.
How long have you been building dios?
I began making playsets for my six kids when the first Galoob Star Trek Next Gen figs came out in the 80s but for myself I made my first dio (Catwoman and catcycle in Crime Alley) in 1999, I think.
You use a lot of of “found” materials in your builds: from purse-clasps and creamer containers to milk crates and ping-pong balls. What’s the genesis of this build-style?
I grew up in a neighborhood with a guy who gave me scraps of wood from his wood shop and it grew from there. Basically, I am into found object and re-purpose. I see things in common objects many people never see!
How would you describe your style?
Experimental! I do like realism. I hate to repeat something I have already tried, unless it is to better a technique.
Where do you find your diorama fodder? Other than floating on the shore of Lake Washington, Seattle, that is.
Besides thrift stores and stuff my kids save for me I do a lot of litter pick-up in my area-I hate how people dump household and construction trash and use my truck to re-cycle what others leave by the side of the road, I love the dismantle aspect of taking apart machines. I have stripped out everything imaginable from cell phone to large projection tvs.
What scale do you prefer to work in?
I prefer1/12 as most of my figs are 6 inch.
Ever had a dio get away from you by taking up more time/space than expected?
Are you kidding me-lol! I use huge things sometimes and heavy wood bases so not only is bulk a problem but even moving them! I usually dismantle them now – no space!
You use some interesting and innovative techniques. Is this a result of your own experimentation or did you have a “dio-mentor?”
Well, I do learn much from others but I mostly just wing it myself.
What is your favorite type of diorama to build?
I like gritty city spots a lot but I think the clandestine lab or secret lair sparks my interest most. Private eye offices are also high on the list…
Marvel or DC?
DC as I am old school born in 1955.
You’re a big Batman fan. Does that influence the dios you choose to create or do you naturally gravitate towards grittier urban environments?
Yes, very much so. I grew up in a sleepy suburb outside Chicago but love the big urban scene.
What’s your favorite toy line to collect?
Anything DC especially Batman family and Catwoman. I do not try to buy everything but select what moves me.
Diorama builders can amass a lot of fodder over the years. What would you say is your oldest piece of unused fodder?
Oh wow! Good question! I have stuff I collected in SoCal in 1995 and earlier! So 20+ years is a good guesstimate!
The use of the clock innards on your Oracle Watchtower makes the piece a real stunner. Did you set out to build that dio, or was it inspired by finding appropriate fodder?
I built an earlier version using a paper clockface and brick print-out. and always wanted to upgrade to a more realistic scene.
You build a lot of space stations as well. I know as a kid I would have loved one (or more) of those. How much do you think wanting certain toys we never had as children influences a build?
There is a big nostalgia factor and a desire to recapture those fun days! I spent many a hot and humid summer in a dark cool basement making models and using plasterboard and sawhorses to make towns and forts-including space ships.
You’ve mentioned your grandson in past videos. What does he think of your toys, and does he get to play with them?
I have seven grandkids and they get limited access to my stuff. I built them a play Batmobile in the back yard and space ships. My only granddaughter is ten and she and I made a pirate dio once.
What would you tell someone just getting into building dioramas? Any tips, advice or warnings?
Try new things, do not fear to fail, learn from others, have fun and do not be too proud to take well meant criticism. GROW!
What do you do when you’re not building dios?
For fun I read comics and watch TV, surf the net, interact with others and play with the grandkids – a lot!
One last question: How do you manage your all of your builds, along with the fodder, tools, and accessories like vehicles and action figures necessary to create your photos?
I have a three story house, a double garage and huge 12 by 15 foot shed. My basement is packed so is the garage! The constant sorting and rearranging allow for ideas to flow and helps me stay current on where stuff is!
Thanks for taking the time to talk, EJ. Looking forward to your next build.
Check out EJ Worley’s work on his DeviantArt page and his Youtube channel. If you use Facebook, visit the Diostructure page for more great diorama artists.
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