What I thought was going to be a dull reuse turned out to be my new favorite female action figure. Who knew?
I’ll admit, I snagged this early eBay Captain Marvel for fodder. I only have Satanna, never grabbed Moonstone for whatever reason, and the price was right. Well, until the Target Captain America 3-Pack hit $30, but who knew that would happen? Anyway, fodder. Then I got the figure and wow. Admittedly I’m behind on my comics, way behind, so I wasn’t as familiar with this costume as the Ms. Marvel duds but this makes for a sharp toy. The helmet and sash, the red and yellow. And another mohawk, Hasbro’s third in the past year.
No heels also cuts out a lot of frustration I’ve had with the latest female figures. Heels just haven’t worked so far. I feel that they can, they just haven’t yet.
But like I said, it’s not just that. The figure itself is the same body as Moonstone and the 3-pack Ms. Marvel with a new head and sash. But the costume is such a classic callback, the helmet with the mohawk is just so sweet, that I can’t help loving this figure.
She comes with two accessories, one being an alternate unmasked head. I do like it but it suffers from shiny skin, being molded in the skintone. Easy enough to fix with a shot of Dullcote. Otherwise, the hair has a wash and the eyes are better than a lot of eyes we’ve seen lately. Be warned, she is looking slightly up, so if glaring angrily isn’t your thing this head may not work for you. I also didn’t notice until I took these close-up shots that the white of her left eye kinda extends outside the lower lid. Not really noticeable in person.
Her other accessory is a power manifestation glob. We’ve seen this same piece with Jubilee and I think Rachel Grey. Nothing special but it does fit well and…kinda looks like she dipped her hand in Ghostbusters 2 slime. Ah well, they can’t all be winners. I still appreciate the effort, Hasbro!
As always, you can check out the articulation breakdown in my video review. I’m just getting over the flu so if some sniffles or snorts made it through, please forgive me.
There’s not a lot to say about sculpt. The heads are nice, especially the helmet. The added detail around the ears break up what could have been a boring spot and the mohawk is, once again, awesome. The sash looks great for something that essentially determine where hips end and torso begins. Except, that’s what hips are in the first place. Ramble.
Paint is where I’m most impressed though. This figure has both lights and darks. Lots of straight lines. Lots of room for bleed. And besides a small spot on the right chest and a little thinness in the star the paint apps here all superb. All the lines are straight and crisp. The faux buttons are nicely orientated. THe lips are slightly off but it makes it looks like a cocky smile. Not sure if this was the intention of the sculpt or paint but it just worked out that way.
And then the comparison shot with Ms. Marvel.
Same character, same body. No big whoop.
Overall, like I’ve said several times, I dig the hell out of this figure, much more than I thought I would. When these hit pegs I’m definitely buying another. And not just for the BAF piece. I want another for the general Marvel shelf, unmasked. After some Dullcote…