Since I can’t seem to stop babbling on about the possibility of 6-inch G.I. Joe figures, I’m going to continue my recent theme and talk about Cobra Commander. He’s another candidate for multiple figures, and while there’s less I’d need from him, I do need more than I do of Gung Ho, of whom I only need one. Sorry, dress blues Gung Ho, you’re out. Anyway, on to Cobra Commander…
Masked/Battle Helmet original figure appearance.
One figure with swappable heads will do here. I know his original figures were colored light blue and dark blue, but a light blue suit with helmet and a dark blue mask will work just fine. It’s not like he can change his entire wardrobe anytime he goes from casual to business serious, right? I like the juxtaposition of colors, and I’ll end up buying two figures to have both permanently displayed, so… somebody wins. Probably Hasbro. If they went ahead with 6-inch Joes, they’d win an astounding amount of times. HINT.
Marvel-styled Cobra Commander
It’s a slight variation, so maybe this could see release in a box set or something. He gets a few extra details like boots and gloves and a few other bits of décor. I think this took an enigmatic and dangerous look and tweaked it just enough to ramp up the militaristic aspects.
Sidebar: if your Cobra Commander is the cartoon version, the incompetent coward who yells “RETREAT” every five seconds, then you don’t know Cobra Commander. Don’t get me wrong, I love the cartoon, but the comic Cobra Commander was a badass that… well, he still lost a lot. Moving on…
Battle Armor
God, I loved this look for him. It wasn’t used a lot in either cartoon or comic, at least not in terms of being actual battle armor with strength enhancing qualities or anything. In the comics it wasn’t even the real Cobra Commander wearing it; it was one of his Fred series of Crimson Guardsmen who was pretending to be him. And on the DIC cartoon he was… kind of a weird snake man, but still a cartoon Corba Commander, which meant a big wimp.
Red Faceplate Cobra Commander
In a strange move, Cobra Commander’s fourth figure went for a red faceplate. He’d never have another figure with a red plate, as the silver re-established itself immediately after. He had all-red hooded uniforms, all-black hooded uniforms, but never a red faceplate. For that and that alone, this is an intriguingly different look and I’d like to get one in 6-inch scale.
IDW domehead Cobra Commander
I don’t know why, but I love this look. It keeps the original metal faceplate look, but takes away the helmet and adds those two little fangs. Plus, there’s this Napoleon-esque quality to the rest of his wardrobe. There’s a real-world quality to it, which is ordinarily something that doesn’t do much for me, but I dig it. Of the dozens of alternate takes on his original, timeless costume, this is the one that jumps out at me.