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More Promo Pictures of Star Wars Revo 004 R2-D2

Kaiyodo Revoltech Star Wars Revo 004 R2-D2 Featured

Wow, it seems like just yesterday we were seeing the first images of the new Revo R2-D2. Wait…

It was yesterday! But that’s how it goes in the world of action figure news.

Kaiyodo Revoltech Star Wars Revo 004 R2-D2

The new images confirm that the pull back and go feature is indeed swappable legs, confirming that the third leg is removable.

You can also see the light on the dome in a more off position compared to the red light in the rest of the images. The release says it changes when the camera beside it is turned so I’m guessing it’s on wheel of some kind and that there are more colors. We’ll have to wait and see. But man, does he look great from all angles!

Best of all, he looks absolutely fantastic next to Revo 003 C-3PO.

This R2 will run you about $43 and drops in March of 2015. BBTS already has it up for pre-order!