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Creatureplica: Yeti and Werewolf Tooling Updates

Creatureplica Cryptozoology Werewolf Tooling Featured

Creatureplica has posted updates about their Cryptozoology line, revealing ceramic tooling for both the Yeti and lycanthropes. What is ceramic tooling? This is what I found on their Facebook page.

Creatureplica Cryptozoology Werewolf Tooling 1


The ceramic tooling model is harder casting material with a ceramic filler added to the urethane. This step is where we work the bugs out of the figures as far as translating them from my prototypes to a manufacturable injection molded toy. In this case some minor adjustments to articulation and determining parting lines for the steel molds. The detail is reproduced exactly from my hand cast prototypes.

So there you go. A look into the manufacturing process. I like stuff like this for not only that but a better look at the articulation points and how much range they may get. Plus seeing a figure all in white brings out the sculpt. I absolutely can not wait to get my hands on these. One set to keep as is, a few extras of the Yeti for some custom projects.

You can check out painted prototypes of these and the rest of the first assortment here.