Black Friday has long passed. Christmas just recently. It’s that time of year where we sit back and look at our collections. Newly acquired toys over the holidays, action figures bought earlier. We ponder on what is next, how much we want to spend in the new year ahead.
A time…oh, who am I kidding? We want more toys. Sure, we’d like to get the cheap, but it doesn’t matter. TOYS! MORE! But having said that, a deal is a deal, and it’s hard to pass up a deal even if the object is only slightly wanted. We are obsessive like that, am I right? At least I am.
Take, for instance, the set I panned back earlier in the year. Put it on sale and I’m slightly pushed to rebuy it after returning it. Slightly. Deal’s a deal. Anyway, ToysRUs has the All New X-Men set on sale for $60. We saw this dip lower during the summer but now it’s winter, which means more time inside for customizing. And this set is pretty good fodder if nothing else.
TRU also has the color versions of Sin City Marv and Hartigan for $9.98.
Continuing with the $9.98 price point and more product from Diamond Select, Son of Frankenstein and Van Helsing. Unfortunately it looks like the Creature from the Black Lagoon is sold out.
Target also has the older Universal Monster Select Frankenstein on clearance. And I’m going to throw in the Dracula because the wold works as a Game of Throne dire wolf. Yay!
Remember THIS guy? Yeah, lots of people hated him but I thought he was wacky awesome. And Target still has Planet X Batman with Batmite and the rest of that wave in stock. On clearance. Imagine that. $9.78 is worth it for the Batmite, I think.
Target even has some DC Collectibles, like Arkham City Talia, on clearance.
Wal*Mart has some unexpected goodies.
Hydra Agents, Spider-Girl, and Toxin, all on clearance, oh my! A they even have, at the time of this writing, the A.I.M. Soldier in stock, although he’s $19.99. Still, A.I.M. Soldier! Build an army!
Not on clearance, but if you’re ToysRUs is like mine then you never saw the NECA ’89 Batman in person. And the website is out of stock. And you missed the initial eBay auction. But Hastings has it in stock on their website. Who knows if this will ever be rereleased so go get it.
And then there is the old mainstay, Amazon. They have been running deals all through the holiday season so let’s take a look at what they still have left.
Four figures. Two 2-packs. Older DCUC figures but a hell of a deal at $21.98. DC Universe Azrael Batman, Batman, Yellow Lantern Hal, & Blue Kyle.
Not my favorite Captain Boomerang design but a DC Collectibles figure for $6.21? I couldn’t pass it up. Throw in Superwoman for $11.95 and Ultraman for $11.25 and you’re on your way to a DCC shelf.
Somehow I didn’t have a Mr. Freeze in my DC collection so this Total Heroes version for $4.81 will stand in nicely. Until Amazon proper gets the Capullo Freeze in stock, at least.
Even though Funko’s Magic: The Gathering Legacy figures didn’t come out looking like the prototypes they are still fun figures to have on the shelf. Or in the fodder bin. Amazon has them for around $15, some even less. The cheapest being Nissa for $9.95. Blink!
Funko’s Game of Thrones is also seeing the same clearance. Check out Arya for $9.97. A lot of the rest are cheaper than retail too. Except Jaime, he’s still higher, being arguably the best figure in the series. In my own opinion, of course.
Then there is always some Star Wars Black. Jabba has been around the $15 mark for a few weeks, which some feel is a better price point for a hollow shell and some arms. The Speeder Bike with Scout Trooper is still hovering $25, which is good to build that Endor Biker Gang. The Clonetrooper has yoyo’d all month but he’s drifted back down to $16.08. And then there is the fairly new Jedi Luke. He’s not deep discount but he’s still cheaper than retail at $18.11.
Have you seen any deals that you ran across and want to share? Throw them in the comment section and let’s get some cheaper toys!